BEND - The Oregon State University Extension Service will offer a six-week workshop, "Ingredients for a Balanced Life," each Tuesday, Sept. 22 through Oct. 27, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. in Bend.

According to OSU Extension specialist Viviane Simon-Brown, the class is part of OSU's new Sustainable Living Project, designed to help people examine issues of quality of life, sustainable lifestyles and environmentally responsible consumerism.

"We're not trying to get people to go 'off-grid,' or live the life of a monk," said Simon-Brown. "We're going to explore different ways to live healthy, productive, enjoyable lives.

"The class will also explore building sustainable lifestyles that have less adverse impact on the environment," she added. "A 20 percent reduction in your impact on the environment is a reasonable goal. This might mean not driving to work one of five days."

Some of the weekly sessions will focus on "redefining work, countering the myth of the American dream, the frugality movement, 10 things you should never buy and 10 things you should always buy," Simon-Brown said.

The cost of the class will be $26.25, or a discounted $19.69 rate for seniors. Registration is available through Central Oregon Community College's Community Education program at 541-383-7270, or through the community college's web site at:

The location of the class will be announced soon. For more information about the class or the sustainable living project at OSU, call Simon-Brown at 541-388-8361.


Viviane Simon-Brown, 541-388-8361

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