OSU to outfit undersea gliders to "think like a fish"

OSU researchers have received a $1 million grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation that will allow them to outfit a pair of undersea gliders with acoustical sensors to make them "think like a fish."

Study outlines threat of ocean acidification to coastal communities in U.S.

Coastal communities in 15 states that depend on the $1 billion shelled mollusk industry are at long-term economic risk from the increasing threat of ocean acidification.

Study finds lamprey decline continues with loss of habitat in Oregon

A new study has found that both the population and habitat of Pacific lamprey - an ecologically and culturally important species - are declining in western Oregon.

Oregon experienced second warmest year on record in 2014

Oregon in 2014 logged its second hottest year since records were kept beginning in 1895, while the global temperature was the hottest on record.

Study finds tropical fish moving into temperate waters

Tropical herbivorous fish are expanding their range into temperate waters and a new international study documents the dramatic impact of the intrusion in the Mediterranean Sea.

New study finds "saturation state" directly harmful to bivalve larvae

A new study of Pacific oyster and Mediterranean mussel larvae found that the earliest larval stages are directly sensitive to saturation state, not carbon dioxide (CO2) or pH.

"Big Data" challenge seeks techie solution to science problem

A big data competition with prizes totalling $175,000 has been launched to solve a scientific challenge.

No laughing matter: Nitrous oxide rose at end of last ice age

A new study confirms that atmospheric levels of nitrous oxide rose significantly as the Earth came out of the last ice age.

Science study links greenhouse gases to African rainfall

A new study published this week in Science links increases in greenhouse gases during a warming climate after the last ice age to increases in African rainfall.

PNAS Commentary: Study sheds new light on sea level rise at last ice age

A new study suggesting that the contribution of the Antarctic ice sheets to sea level rise is less than once thought has significant implications for future sea level change, according to a commentary by OSU's Peter Clark.
