Fire is not all bad news in healthy sagebrush steppe ecosystems

Fire is not all bad news in healthy sagebrush steppe ecosystems, according to an Oregon State University study.

Kissing up to the boss can increase employees’ bad behavior in the workplace, study shows

Kissing up to the boss at work may help boost employees’ careers but it also depletes the employees’ self-control resources, leaving them more susceptible to behaving badly in the workplace, a new study has found.

Deep learning cracks the code of messenger RNAs and protein-coding potential

Researchers at Oregon State University have used deep learning to decipher which ribonucleic acids have the potential to encode proteins.

Second study finds Oregon college students reporting more marijuana use following legalization

College students at two large public universities in Oregon are reporting more use of marijuana following the drug’s legalization, including among those who are underage, Oregon State University researchers have found.

OSU researchers determine why pulsed sparks make for better ignition

Researchers have learned the mechanisms behind a means of improved ignition, helping to open the door to better performance in combustion systems ranging from car engines to jet propulsion.

Study: Reducing carbon emissions will limit sea level rise

A new study demonstrates a clear correlation between cumulative carbon emissions and future sea level rise over time – and the news isn’t good.

New species may arise from rapid mitochondrial evolution

Genetic research at Oregon State University has shed new light on how isolated populations of the same species evolve toward reproductive incompatibility and thus become separate species.

Solved protein puzzle opens door to new design for cancer drugs

Researchers at Oregon State University have solved a longstanding puzzle concerning the design of molecular motors, paving the way toward new cancer therapies.
