Welcome to OSU Today
Your daily news source about all things Oregon State.
OSU Today is published by University Relations and Marketing and is the university’s primary internal communications publication. Submit events, lectures and other activities via the OSU Main Calendar. To submit story ideas and general announcements, email us at [email protected]. Fill out the form here to subscribe to the twice-weekly digest.
On OPB this week
- Oregon State University, where veterans upskill into the semiconductor workforce thanks to a state HECC grant. Read more here.
- Oregon State University, where the teacher shortage in special education is being addressed with a new online master’s degree program. Read more here.
- Learn more about our OPB highlights here.
Photo of the Day
Belated honeymoon: Paige Minton-Edison, a faculty research assistant in the Epps Population Genetics Laboratory, says, “Here is a picture of the beautiful beach in Kauai where my husband and I took our belated honeymoon this past week. The dazzling water and layers of blue look photo shopped and remind us how incredible nature is.” We are accepting photo submissions at [email protected]. To view past submissions, visit us on Instagram at @osutoday1.
Take Note
NEW! Faculty Senate: The Feb. 13 Faculty Senate agenda is linked and available online at https://senate.oregonstate.edu/faculty-senate-meeting-agendas. Faculty Senate meetings are open to the public. For anyone who would like to attend as a guest in person, the meeting begins at 3 p.m. in The LaSells Stewart Center Construction & Engineering Hall. Anyone who would like to attend remotely and has not already filled out our online guest participant form may do so by 1:30 p.m., Feb. 13.
NEW! Anti-racist cohort: The Community for the Advancement of Antiracist Instruction (CAAI) is now accepting applications for the Spring 2025 cohort. CAAI is a learning community of non-tenure track faculty, instructors, and graduate teaching assistants interested in engaging critical pedagogies and implementing anti-racist teaching practices in the classroom. Learn more from our call for applications and consider applying for the Spring 2025 cohort here.
NEW! Photography exhibit: The Office of Global Opportunities (OSU GO) is introducing a new exhibition, “Wanderlust,” a collection of photography taken by students during their education abroad experiences. In this inaugural exhibition, 20 OSU students who studied and interned in diverse locations far from home have come together to share moments from their journeys that linked them to the local culture surrounding them. An opening celebration takes place from 3:30-5 p.m., Feb. 18, in the Little Gallery, Kidder 210. The exhibit will be open through March 21.
NEW! CAPS Country Line Dancing for Hope: Come join CAPS for a night of fun and dancing at the MU Horizon Room! Put on your cowboy boots and hats and get ready to kick up your heels for a good cause. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, everyone is welcome to join in on the line-dancing fun. Let's come together to dance, laugh, and raise hope for a brighter tomorrow! With games, raffles, prizes, food, dancing, and more, CAPS is dancing the night away and raising awareness for suicide prevention! Open to OSU faculty, staff and students. 6 p.m., Feb. 20, MU Horizon Room. Tickets available here.
NEW! Fidelity On-Campus Consultations: Employees can meet with Justin Blatny, financial consultant from Fidelity to discuss your financial goals and savings plans for retirement. There is no cost for these consultations and they are available to all employees no matter what stage you are at in your career. Appointments are available on OSU Corvallis Campus Thursday, Feb. 27. Schedule online here, or by phone at (800) 343-0860.
NEW! Back-to-basics feminist book study starting Feb. 28: Want to learn the core principles of feminism and discuss them in community? The President’s Commission on the Status of Women is hosting a book study of bell hooks’ “Feminism is for Everybody” via Zoom at noon on the fourth Friday of the next four months starting Feb. 28. All are welcome. The e-book is available through OSU Libraries and PCOSW can provide print copies as needed. Register here for Zoom information.
Timely Teaching Tips: Proactive outreach is meaningful to students and supports increased engagement. Wondering how to use Canvas for individual outreach? See Boosting Student Success: Proactive Outreach Strategies with Canvas. Want to do more to connect with students? Check out the Academic Success Center’s Partner Resources page for information on outreach and referrals, workshop requests, and more.
Poetry workshop and reading: Brody Parrish-Craig will be at the Pride Center for two events in February. They will host a poetry workshop from 2-5 p.m., Feb. 20 titled ‘Unreliable Historians: Reclaiming Truth and Agency in Creative Writing.’ Participants are encouraged to bring a printed copy of a text or document demonstrating writing that has disregarded truth or lived experience, including emails textbooks and news articles. From 5-7 p.m., Feb. 21, Parrish-Craig will host an open mic and poetry reading. They are the editor of TWANG, a regional anthology of trans and gender nonconforming creators from the South and Midwest. They currently co-lead TLGBQ+ community arts programming in the Ozarks & teach writing at NorthWest Arkansas Community College. RSVP at [email protected]
10 years of Contemplative Studies and 10 By Donation Events: Pre-register for one of ten special, by donation events held at Marigold Feb. 7- March 7. Topics and practices presented by OSU faculty and visiting experts range from devotional kirtan to mindfulness in medicine, theories of consciousness to ayurveda, psychedelics and more. Donations support graduate student participation in Marigold programs and ongoing free and low-cost contemplative classes. Event registration is open to all. Pre-register; contact us with questions, and stay connected.
RERF Information Session: The Division of Research and Innovation and Research Council are now accepting requests for competitive Research Equipment Reserve Funds (RERF) applications to purchase capital equipment, through Friday, March 28, 2025. Join the Office for Research Advancement for an information session that will outline this internal funding opportunity and answer questions on crafting a competitive proposal Feb. 20, 11 a.m. to noon on Zoom. Register here.
TRSF fund: Applications are now open for the Transdisciplinary Research Seed Fund (TRSF) Program by the Office for Research Advancement. The TRSF program is open to OSU faculties and provides up to $100K per award. The applications due by March 7, and includes special funding opportunities for projects related to India and integrated health and biotechnology. Click here to apply and learn more about the programs. Reach out to [email protected] for any additional questions.
Orange Cash: Looking for exclusive deals on campus dining at OSU? Sign up for Orange Cash emails to get discounts sent right to your inbox! Recent email offers included a free maple bar with coffee purchase, free salad with sandwich purchase, and BOGO crepes! Students, staff and community members are welcome at all OSU dining locations. Sign up at uhds.link/orange-cash-subscribe
How to Support Beavers Navigating Immigration Matters: To provide OSU employees with important knowledge and skills, the university is offering a new workshop on recognizing the needs of students and employees with different immigration statuses, connecting with university resources, understanding OSU’s legal obligations and other issues surrounding immigration. Four workshops are open for registration: 2-4 p.m., Feb. 25, Corvallis campus; noon to 2 p.m., Feb. 26, Zoom; 2-4 p.m., April 17, Corvallis campus; and 9-11 a.m., April 18, Zoom: https://beav.es/GzZ
Indigenous undergrad summer internship supplemental funding application is open: The New Beginnings for Tribal Students (NBTS) program offers OSU undergrads self-identifying as Native American, Alaskan Native and Native Hawaiian, supplemental funding of $2000 for summer internships in natural sciences. Internships must be at least eight weeks long and interns will meet with NBTS mentors over the summer. Students may also apply for support for science conferences. More info and applications at https://opencampus.oregonstate.edu/nbts
Add open educational resources to your course, earn a $750 stipend: Integrating an OER textbook or other course materials into your class can take some time and effort, but Open Oregon is here to help. This Open Education Week, (Mar. 3-7), Open Oregon Educational Resources is sponsoring this online, week-long sprint to help you get the work done in a supportive community environment. The best part? Participation earns you a $750 stipend. Learn more and register by Feb. 24.
Monthly Emergency Preparedness Topic: Shelter: Various conditions may require seeking shelter or sheltering in place. It is important to use shelter in place protocols and follow the instructions of local authorities. English and Spanish versions of this bulletin can be found here: https://emergency.oregonstate.edu/emergency-preparedness/preparedness-topics/shelter
FY24 OSU Greenhouse Gas Inventory: The Sustainability Office recently completed OSU’s latest Greenhouse Gas Report. FY24 carbon emissions decreased 0.98% from FY23, due to an overall decrease in electricity and natural gas consumption from OSU operations across the state. New for FY24, Greenhouse Gas Inventories were created for each of the 11 academic colleges to identify actions to reduce carbon emissions and support unit objectives. For more info, check out OSU’s emissions page.
Nominations are now being accepted for the Diamond Pioneer Agricultural Career Achievement Registry: This award is intended to honor people whose lifetime contributions to agriculture, natural resources, and the people of Oregon and/or Oregon State University has been significant. Awardees will be honored at a luncheon on Wednesday, April 9. Complete award criteria, the digital nomination form, and a registry of past recipients, can be found here: http://agsci.oregonstate.edu/main/diamond-pioneer-award. The deadline to submit nominations is Feb. 17.
Oregon Savings Growth Plan: Employees can meet with David Rayburn, financial consultant from OSGP to discuss your financial goals and savings plans for retirement. There is no cost for these consultations and they are available to all employees no matter what stage you are at in your career. Appointments are available on OSU Corvallis Campus Feb. 18. Schedule online at https://osu-osgp1-1s.timetap.com/
Call for photo submissions: We’re looking for more photo submissions for our Photo of the Day section on the OSU Today website. Please submit your photos with caption information to [email protected]
Around Campus
OSU in the News
Lemonaiding is the new mindset hack for making sour moments sweeter - here's why you need it and how its done (Yahoo UK)
The term "lemonaiding" has been coined by researchers at Oregon State University who found that making lemonade from life’s metaphorical lemons really can get you through tough times. The concept is simple: those who have a more playful attitude towards life are more positive in the face of uncertain times, more resilient to challenges and generally, happier. (see also U.S. News & World Report, NBC Right Now)
World may have entered era of 1.5C warming, scientists say (Barron's)
"Every fraction of a degree beyond this level translates into more extreme weather, biodiversity loss, and human suffering," said William Ripple, Professor at Oregon State University.
How healthy are chickpeas? (New York Times)
Plant-based iron is less readily absorbed by the body than iron from meat, said Emily Ho, a professor of nutrition in the College of Health and the director of the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University. Including plenty of vitamin C in your diet can help you absorb more iron, Dr. Ho said. (for a PDF copy email [email protected])
Burned out: How wildfires might drive insurers out of Oregon (KLCC)
On this edition of the show, you’ll hear conversations with Jason Horton of the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services and Dr. Amin Hassan Zadeh of Oregon State University about the troubling future of property insurance in Oregon due to wildfire risk.
Trump killed a major report on Nature. They're trying to publish it anyway (New York Times)
Rajat Panwar, a professor of responsible and sustainable business at Oregon State University who was leading the chapter on nature and the economy, was preparing slides to present his section when he got the news. He said the team he recruited saw, and still sees, the work as a calling to help solve one of its generation’s most pressing problems, the loss of nature and biodiversity. (for a PDF copy email [email protected])
Traffic and Maintenance
NEW! Washington Way: The Washington Way multi-use path will be closed between SW 30th and SW 35th St. starting Wednesday, Feb. 12 through Friday, Feb. 28.
NEW! 26th Street: As part of the Jen-Hsun Huang and Lori Mills Huang Collaborative Innovation Complex project, SW 26th St. will be closed between NW Orchard Ave. and NW Monroe Ave on Saturday, Feb. 15 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. The closure is necessary to allow for crane activity in the area. The east sidewalk will be closed in this section. The west sidewalk and bike lane will be open, except during truck unloading.
Use extra caution & avoid construction zones on Washington Way: Infrastructure along SW Washington Way is currently undergoing improvements and the area around SW Washington Way and SW 17th St. is an active construction site. For your safety, please detour around work zones (marked with barriers). We recommend allowing more time to travel around campus as this project continues. For more information about construction work on SW Washington Way and the current closure schedule, click here. If you require accommodations or assistance crossing the SW Washington Way construction zone, please contact [email protected].
SW Memorial Place Closure Near Kelley Engineering Center: As part of the Kelley District Utility Plant project, SW Memorial Place between SW Campus Way and NW Monroe Ave. will be closed through March 1, 2025. A section of the west sidewalk on Memorial Place will be closed. The east sidewalk will remain open. The east entrances to Kelley Engineering Center will remain open. A pedestrian pathway through the fenced construction area will be provided. The bike lane on the east side of Memorial Place will remain open.
Sidewalk Closed West of Goss Stadium: As part of the Washington Way Improvement project, a section of the sidewalk west of Goss Stadium and bordering Washington Way will be closed periodically through Feb. 28. Other possible impacts include noise, dust and mud near the work area.