About the OSU College of Engineering: The college is a global leader in artificial intelligence, robotics, advanced manufacturing, clean water and energy, materials science, computing, resilient infrastructure and health-related engineering. Among the nation’s largest and most productive engineering programs, the college awards more bachelor’s degrees in computer science than any other institution in the United States. The college ranks second nationally among land grant universities, and fifth among the nation’s 94 public R1 universities, for percentage of tenured or tenure-track engineering faculty who are women.


OSU College of Engineering earns recognition for equity, inclusion, diversity efforts

Scott Ashford, Kearney Dean of Engineering at Oregon State University, has been honored by the Society of Women Engineers for his contributions to the acceptance and advancement of women in engineering professions.

Ramped-up OSU Prototype Development Lab is open for consumer product business

Armed with two new graduate students dedicated to working on consumer products, and a streamlined, fast-track contracting process, Oregon State University’s Prototype Development Lab is ready to help companies bring their ideas to market.

Oregon State leads fight against gender bias in software

Researchers at Oregon State have created a method called GenderMag that enables IT professionals to identify and eliminate gender biases in software

Golf simulator, smart headband highlight Undergraduate Engineering Expo

Improved treatments for stormwater and landfill leachate, a better way to administer vaccines, an adaptive golf simulator and a headband that monitors the wearer’s hydration are among the 275 senior design projects that will be on display Friday, May 17, at the 20th annual Engineering Undergraduate Expo.

Indonesia earthquake study could make Pacific Northwest more safe

Findings by a team led by an Oregon State University geotechnical engineer are paving the way toward engineering techniques that could keep Pacific Northwest residents more safe during the eventual Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake.

New research opens door to more efficient chemical processes across spectrum of industries

Chemical processes that are more efficient and less expensive may be coming to industries ranging from battery manufacturing to detergent production thanks to an Oregon State University researcher’s work advancing metal oxides as catalysts.

More extreme coastal weather events in Oregon likely to increase bluff erosion, landslide activity

Unstable slopes on Oregon’s coastline could see a 30 percent jump in landslide movements if extreme storms become frequent enough to increase seacliff erosion by 10 percent, a new study by Oregon State University shows.

OSU ramping up research to better predict wildfire behavior

On the heels of Oregon’s most expensive wildfire season ever in 2018, researchers at Oregon State University are ramping up efforts to better predict how the blazes behave, including how they generate fire-spreading embers.

Research showcase highlights work of engineering graduate students

Want to learn more about the Oregon State University College of Engineering’s far-ranging research efforts, including asking questions of those conducting the research? The college’s sixth annual Graduate Research Showcase provides that opportunity.
