Aging men: More uplifts, fewer hassles until the age of 65-70

A new study of how men approach their golden years found that how happy individuals are remains relatively stable, but dealing with “hassles” tends to get worse once you are about 65-70 years old.

Volcanoes, including Mt. Hood, can go from dormant to active quickly

Magma sitting 4-5 kilometers beneath the surface of Mount Hood has been stored in near-solid conditions for thousands of years, but that the time it takes to liquefy and potentially erupt is surprisingly short.

Study confirms link between salmon migration and magnetic field

Chinook salmon use the Earth's magnetic field to orient themselves to their river of origin, a new study found, explaining how the fish navigation thousands of miles of open ocean.

Genetic function discovered that could offer new avenue to cancer therapies

OSU pharmacy researchers have discovered the function of a gene that may offer a new avenue to cancer therapies.

OSU surpasses fundraising milestone of $1 billion

OSU’s first comprehensive campaign has surpassed its $1 billion fund-raising goal – 11 months ahead of schedule.

Study identifies high level of "food insecurity" among college students

New research suggests many college students may experience "food insecurity," with possible impacts on their health and academic performance.

More benefits emerging for one type of omega-3 fatty acid: DHA

Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA, may have an even wider range of benefits that previously considered, new research suggests.

War on lionfish shows first promise of success

Manual removal of invasive lionfish from some reefs shows promise in allowing the comeback of native fish populations in the Atlantic Ocean.

One step at a time, researchers learning how humans walk

Researchers are near a complete understanding of how humans walk, with implications for improved robotics, biomedical devices and other fields.

Loss of large carnivores poses global conservation problem

A new analysis reveals that the world is developing "hotspots" of decline in several species of large carnivorous predators, with significant repercussions on ecosystem function.
