Today in the News Media

Today in the News Media is a synopsis of some of the most prominent coverage of OSU people and programs. Inclusion of any item constitutes neither an endorsement nor a critique, but rather is intended only to make the OSU community aware of significant items in the media. For more about this section, see:

The future of the American West is in Central Oregon (Washington Post)

The water supply is not only shrinking, it’s also being delivered earlier. “Snow pack melts, except at real high elevations, and that supplies water to the streams,” Michael Campana, a hydrologist at Oregon State University, told me. But climate change, he said, is starting to trigger snow melt earlier in the year. 

How bad is the teacher shortage? Depends on where you live (New York Times)

Even before the pandemic, the number of schools on the four-day model grew to more than 1,600 in 2019 from 257 schools in 1999, according to national data compiled by Paul Thompson, an associate professor of economics at Oregon State University.

OSU leads the way in researching benefits of hemp (KOIN)

Most people connect cannabis with recreational use. But the plant can do quite a bit for people and their communities, as researchers at Oregon State University are proving.

Some Oregon students say Biden's loan forgiveness doesn't go far enough (OPB News)

Student leaders over at Oregon State University, Oregon’s largest public university, had a similar mixed reaction to Biden’s announcement. The Associated Students of Oregon State University said in a statement from its executive branch that while the partial loan cancellation will benefit many students, it’s not a permanent solution.

Alcohol dampens reactivity to psychological stress, especially for uncertain stressors (PsyPost)

“Our laboratory wants to improve mechanistic understanding of the psychological effects of stress and drugs,” explained Bradford, an assistant professor and principal investigator of the Biology and Emotion of Addiction Via Experimental and Reproducible Science (BEAVERS) Lab at Oregon State University.

Students are struggling with basic needs. So colleges are tapping 'benefits navigators' (Chronicle of Higher Education)

Oregon State University already had a benefits navigator in place when its state bill was passed. But the university switched to a peer-to-peer model, like Rise’s, after three years. “We saw a lot of limits to his impact — often he was scheduled a month or more out,” said Nicole Hindes, director of Oregon State’s Basic Needs Center, in an email about the former benefits navigator. The peer model is designed to “increase the amount of support hours we have available for students and to create a ‘drop-in anytime’ approach that also impacts some of the stigma issues,” she wrote.

Four common questions to ask about organic food (Washington Post)

Yes. Synthetic pesticides and fertilizers can damage soil and pollute water. “Many of the pesticides and synthetic forms of fertilizer, if not managed and fine-tuned, often end up in our water and even in our fish,” says Garry Stephenson, a professor of crop and soil science at Oregon State University in Corvallis. Nitrogen-based fertilizer, often used in conventional agriculture, is a major contributor to air and water pollution, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Counselors join cops to help students in crisis (Inside Higher Ed)

Other universities, including Oregon State University and several University of California campuses, are also developing mobile response teams that are attached to campus police departments but led by trained therapists. 

To conserve U.S. lands, ecologists want wolves and beavers to 're-wild' the West (NPR)

David Gura speaks with William Ripple, professor of ecology at Oregon State University, about his proposal to "re-wild" the American West by reintroducing beavers and wolves to public lands.

OSU: Location has big impact on hops (Pacific Northwest Ag Network)

A study from Oregon State University found where beer ingredients are grown make a big difference; just like with wine grapes.  Researchers chemically analyzed acids and compounds for Cascade and Mosaic hops from the 2020 harvest year, grown in 39 different locations.

Spring rains lead to bountiful wheat harvest (East Oregonian)

The drought of 2021 caused near crop-failure conditions in some wheat-growing areas of the Pacific Northwest. Don Wysocki, extension soil scientist for Oregon State University in Pendleton, said last year's crop was 60% or less than usual in some areas. But 2022 has a bumper crop.

Yes, it's getting warmer in Oregon, and here's the data (KGW)

To arrive at a more scientific answer, we turned to KGW meteorologist Chris McGinness and Larry O'Neill, Oregon's State Climatologist and an associate professor at Oregon State University.

OSU study calls for better screening of sexual abuse in children (Oregon Capital Chronicle)

A recent study by researchers at Oregon State University found that chronic childhood sexual abuse is more likely to lead to negative outcomes in adults than single instances of trauma.

Researchers work out how to predict recovery from Cascadia quake (Jefferson Public Radio)

Researchers at Oregon State University have developed computer models for predicting the resilience of transportation systems after a major earthquake, models that can be applied to other infrastructure systems.

Oregon State researchers discover compounds contributing to smoke taint in wine and grapes (USDA)

With funding from NIFA, an Oregon State University-led research team has discovered a class of compounds that contribute to smoke taint in wine and grapes.

OSU Science Pub to make in-person return (Corvallis Advocate)

Oregon State University’s Science Pub series will return to an in-person format for the first time in more than two years with a talk about living in balance with social media at 6 p.m. Sept. 6 at the Old World Deli in Corvallis. 

Swastika Mountain in Oregon may have a new name soon (KAKE)

David Lewis, assistant professor at Oregon State University, said the chief died in 1892. He known for negotiating treaties and holding on to his "right to remain on his land." "For me it's like returning some of the heritage back to the area," Lewis said.

Exito: Latino 4-H kids inspired at camp (Western Farmer-Stockman)

in the Spanish language, the word for success is “exito.” And at a recent summer camp hosted by Oregon State University, about 150 mostly Latino 4-H members were inspired to strive for it.

Aviation adventure (Argus Observer)

There were many key players who came together to make the event possible, including a partnership with Malheur County OSU Extension Office, Malheur County Frontier Stem Hub which is part of Malheur Education Service District and the Ontario Community Library, according to Barbara Brody. She is the associate professor of practice of 4-H with the extension office.

Oregon State scientists used fruit flies to investigate how blue light effects humans (OPB News)

The effects of exposure to blue light through our eyes aren’t new. But, are there more ways exposure to blue light impacts us? Oregon State University scientists used fruit flies to investigate.

OSU Extension Service intern has memorable summer (Wallowa Chieftain)

Celilo Brun — and yes, she is named after the falls that used to exist in the Columbia Gorge near The Dalles — spent her summer as the Oregon State University Extension Service intern learning about everything from the nutrition program to the summer meal program, from planning activities for youth at the Eastern Oregon Livestock Show to helping at 4-H camp and much more.

Innovations conference to focus on conservation (Farm Progress)

“It’s really an amazing place for food and agriculture,” Staci Simonich, dean of OSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences, told reporters during a recent media fellowship at the university.

OSU professor wins 2022 Student Chapter Advisor Impact Award (SHRM)

Michele Swift, SHRM-SCP, faculty advisor of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) student chapter at Oregon State University (OSU), is the winner of the SHRM Foundation's 2022 Student Chapter Advisor Impact Award. 

Onion trials boosted by ample water at OSU Malheur station (Capital Press)

Brandon Leon liked what he saw on the Oregon State University onion research plots — and during the hour’s drive from Boise. “I see water everywhere,” he said, referring to Treasure Valley irrigation canals visible from Interstate 84.

Zucchini start that wasn't yields mystery squash. What could it be? (Oregonian)

Gardening season is moving along and, you may have questions. For answers, turn to Ask an Expert, an online question-and-answer tool from Oregon State University’s Extension Service. 


Today's photos

MINERvA: Noah Harvey Vaughan, OSU PhD candidate in physics, is researching fundamental, subatomic particles called neutrinos. For the next year Vaughan is working at Fermilab, a national lab outside of Chicago credited with several major discoveries in particle physics. “MINERvA, the experiment my thesis is focused on, completed taking data in 2018. Part of my work is repurposing the MINERvA detector for DUNE, a future flagship  experiment with >1000 collaborators all over the world. The MINERvA detector is located 100m (~330ft) underground at Fermilab, stands about 20ft tall weighing several tons, and sits in a beamline that shoots neutrinos from Fermilab through the earth's crust all the way to South Dakota ~800 miles away. Attached is a picture of MINERvA as we're reassembling it for DUNE!" 

Petrichor: Abril Uribe, CLA ambassador and political science student, submitted this photo of rain on campus. We are accepting photo submissions at [email protected].

Timely Teaching Tips: Planning your courses for Fall ‘22? Wondering how the OSU Libraries can support your teaching? See the Instructor Support page for a wide variety of resources and services ranging from one-on-one consultations to on-demand workshops, a visit to your class, or a customized web-based guide for your course.


NEW! Elliott State Research Forest (ESRF) Recreation and Education Listening Session: A public listening session will be held Aug. 29, 6-7:30 p.m. at Southwestern Oregon Community College to discuss planning for recreation and education in the Elliott State Research Forest. Information gathered at this session will help contribute to development of the ESRF forest management plan, and creation of education and recreation plans in the future. Listening session participation includes both in-person option or via ZOOM. For additional information and to RSVP please visit:


NEW! Seminar: Kevin Sanchez will be giving a seminar entitled “Monitoring resistance in onion thrips to insecticides, Lannate and Exirel in the Treasure Valley of Eastern Oregon,” Aug. 30, 9 a.m., at the Malheur Experiment Station and on Zoom. Sanchez is pursuing a BS in bioresource research.

McDonald and Dunn Research Forests Stakeholder Advisory Council meeting: The Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) is meeting to discuss the development of the new forest management plan for the MacDonald and Dunn Research Forests, Aug. 30 1-4 p.m. The meeting will be facilitated by Oregon Consensus and is open to the public for remote listening only, through Zoom. Register in advance at

OSUsed Store Public Sales: The OSUsed Store carries furniture, computers, household items, office supplies and more, at 644 SW 13th St. Public sales are open to all shoppers this Tuesday, 5:30-7:30 p.m. and Friday, noon to 3 p.m.; details here. Staff may shop for their department Mondays through Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; details here.


NEW! Department of Integrative Biology Ph.D. Defense Seminar: Rebecca Mostow will present “Hybridization of non-native beachgrasses in the Pacific Northwest: Discovery, characterization, and ecological effects of Ammophila arenaria × A. breviligulata” on Wednesday, Aug. 31 at 10 a.m. in ALS 4001 and via Zoom. Mostow is completing her Ph.D. in integrative biology under the guidance of Sally Hacker. 

Forestry management listening session: The OSU College of Forestry invites community members to a listening session Wednesday, Aug. 31, regarding the development of a new management plan for the McDonald and Dunn research forests owned by OSU. The listening session is scheduled for 6:30-8 p.m. People can attend in person in Room 117 of Peavy Hall, 3100 SW Jefferson Way, and also via Zoom. Those wishing to attend the Aug. 31 session are asked to register online. A Zoom link will be provided to those who select the virtual option, and doors will open at 6 p.m. for the in-person audience. For more information:


NEW! Allison Swartz: PhD Defense: Allison Swartz will present her dissertation, titled: Experiments and Observations on How Riparian Forest Changes Affect Light and Stream Ecosystems,” Sept. 1, 9 a.m. in PFSC 315  or on Zoom. Swartz is earning her PhD in forest ecosystems and society with Dana Warren. Please contact the FES Department at [email protected] for the zoom link, or with questions or for accommodations for disabilities.


OSUsed Store Public Sales: The OSUsed Store carries furniture, computers, household items, office supplies and more, at 644 SW 13th Street. Public sales are open to all shoppers this Tuesday, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. and Friday, noon to 3 p.m.; details here. Staff may shop for their department Mondays through Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; details here.

Annual Contemplative Retreat"Nature, Connection & Tools for Well-Being." The Contemplative Studies Initiative is hosting a non-residential retreat for yoga, meditation and reflection Sept. 2-4 in Philomath. Friday 5-8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m.-3 p.m., including a daily meal. Most sessions will be held in open-air, covered spaces. Community: $200, OSU Employee: $150, OSU Students: Free. Read more and register


Beaver Classic Cheese: Beaver Classic is back. Come see our new food truck at Farmer’s Market on the waterfront in downtown Corvallis, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. You can’t miss us; we’re orange. We will be featuring Beaver Classic products: our many cheeses, honey and beef jerky. We are now serving ice cream, milkshakes and grilled cheese, too. Additionally, we're at Common Fields on Sundays from noon to 4 p.m.


Alumni Center pregame tailgate: OSU vs. Boise State. An exciting football season is about to begin. Fire up your Beaver spirit before the game with swag giveaways, photo booths and indoor lawn games at the OSU Alumni Association Tailgate Town, presented by OCCU. Join the free tailgate party at the CH2M HILL Alumni Center on Sept. 3 at 4:30 p.m. 


NEW! TIAA: TIAA is one of the 403b retirement plan sponsors for OSU employees. TIAA offers monthly workshops on financial topics. On Sept. 22, they are hosting a retirement savings event from noon to 4 p.m. in MU 109. A presentation called “Putting your money to work: How to optimize your Oregon plans to create a healthy retirement,” takes place at 2 p.m. in person or via Zoom. To register, click on this link. There will also be time to drop-in to talk to a retirement counselor starting at noon, the panel discussion at 2 p.m., and more time to ask any lingering questions until 4 p.m. If you have questions about this event, please contact [email protected]

NEW! An Evening with Keb’ Mo’: The American Strings series will host Americana and blues musician Keb’ Mo’ for a live on-campus event in Corvallis on Thursday, Oct. 6, and in Beaverton at the Patricia Reser Center for the Performing Arts on Friday, Oct. 7. The American Strings series brings in musicians from a range of genres for an evening of conversation about their career, followed by a live performance. It is hosted by Bob Santelli, university director of popular music and performing arts. The Corvallis event will begin at 7:30 p.m. in C&E Hall of the LaSells Stewart Center and is limited to 200 seats. Tickets go on sale at 8 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 29 and are expected to sell out quickly. They are $15 in advance, $20 at the door. Purchase tickets. Information on the Beaverton event can be found on The Reser website.

NEW! 2022 Homecoming festivities: This fall, join the OSU Alumni Association, friends, faculty and classmates for Homecoming celebrations. From Oct. 13-15, participate in traditions from class reunions to the Homecoming game and tailgate. Plan your trip and be sure to reserve your lodging in Corvallis for the lively weekend on campus. View the schedule and stay tuned for more events to be added at

NEQ! 6th Annual Multicultural Alumni and Friends Tailgate: Get the game day hype started with new and old friends before the Homecoming game vs. WSU on Oct. 15! Join the free, family-friendly pregame tailgate outside of the Centro Cultural César Chávez and enjoy food, drinks, photo ops, a DJ and more! Please register by Oct. 13. Limited walk-ups may be available.

OSUAA Tailgate Town:  Away vs. Fresno State: Cheer on our student-athletes against Fresno State. Gather with OSU friends at a pregame meetup in the Grey Lot tailgate spaces on Fresno State’s campus. Look for the fun and friendly crowd dressed in orange and black and be a part of the celebration on Saturday, Sept. 10, 5-7:30 p.m.

Pregame street party: OSU vs. Montana State. Before the Beavers play Montana State at Providence Park, kick off game day with the OSU Alumni Association’s Tailgate Town, presented by OCCU: A street party with food trucks, photo booths, live music and more on Sept. 17 at 2:30 p.m. Space is limited, so register today

Lectures, Workshops, Webinars

NEW! CTL’s Orientation for New International Graduate Teaching Assistants: Whether you’re supporting a recitation, leading a lab section, grading for a large lecture, designing and teaching your own course or hoping to teach someday, this orientation will focus on unique needs and challenges international GTAs might face in the U.S. classroom. Sept. 14, 10 a.m. to noon. Registration. For more information or disability accommodations, contact Jeanna Towns.

NEW! CTL’s Orientation for New Graduate Teaching Assistants: Are you new to teaching or simply just new to teaching at OSU? Either way, this orientation is for you! Designed to support all new graduate students, this orientation provides preparation support for the first day of class, and information on where to leverage campus resources to support your teaching throughout the year. Sept. 14, 1-4 p.m. Registration. For more information or disability accommodations, contact Jeanna Towns.

NEW! Quality Teaching @ Oregon State University: Are you new to teaching or simply just new to teaching at OSU? Either way, this orientation is for you. Designed to support all new(er) faculty, this orientation provides preparation support for the first day of class, and information on where to leverage campus resources to support your teaching throughout the year. Sept. 14, 1- 4 p.m. Registration. For more information or disability accommodations, contact Jeanna Towns.

Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium (SURS): Register today to attend virtual SURS on Sept. 13 through Canvas. SURS is an annual showcase for OSU undergraduates to present their research and creative projects to the OSU community. Undergraduates from all academic disciplines, in all years of study and all stages of research or creative work will be presenting. Registration to attend SURS 2022 is required by Sept. 12. For more info, visit the SURS website or contact [email protected]

Fifth annual Ag Innovations Conference: OSU’s North Willamette Research and Extension Center (NWREC) is organizing and hosting the 2022 AIC, which provides a platform for stakeholders across various research institutions and agricultural industries to share the latest technological advances and developments while exploring the many varied complex agronomic and crop protection issues facing agricultural production. Sept. 22-23. Visit for the registration details.

Loan forgiveness: Oregon State University is a qualifying employer for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program. PSLF is designed to provide student debt forgiveness to public service employees in certain situations. On Sept. 28 at noon, OSU will be hosting a webinar regarding Public Service Loan Forgiveness and the temporary waiver to this program that is active through Oct. 31. Register here: The webinar will be recorded and posted on the University Human Resources website. For more information about the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program visit the University Human Resources website here. For employment verification on PSLF forms please reach out to [email protected].  

Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue: This 10-hour course teaches skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional or risky topics at all levels of your organization. By learning how to speak and be heard (and encouraging others to do the same), you’ll surface the best ideas, make the highest-quality decisions, and then act on those decisions with unity and commitment. This program consists of a series of five live, online sessions on Thursdays 10 a.m. to noon, Oct. 6 through Nov. 3. There is a $100 fee to attend Crucial Conversations. Learn more and register before Sept. 23.

SJEI workshop registration open through fall 2022 — secure your spot: The Social Justice Education Initiative is a professional development program for all faculty, staff and graduate students. SJEI workshops are infused with expertise, empathy and humor while embracing a guiding principle of “more curiosity, less judgment” to achieve robust learning objectives. Learn more, see the workshop schedule and register on the SJEI website registration page or contact SJEI director Jane Waite at [email protected].

Take Note

NEW! Quiet Week:  During the University quiet week of Aug. 29-Sept. 2, Human Resources will be operating with reduced hours. Our offices in Kerr and University Plaza will be open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 29-Sept. 1. On Sept. 2 our offices will be open 10 a.m. to  noon. The AskHR team will not be answering phones and will not be available Friday afternoon Sept. 2.  All requests or messages left the afternoon of Sept. 2 will be reviewed and addressed the morning of Sept. 6.

NEW! Corvallis Alert update: The City of Corvallis emergency notification system is moving to a new platform. If you want to continue to receive emergency notifications from City public safety agencies, please visit the member portal and set up a new account:

NEW! Library Quiet Week: OSU supervisors have been encouraged to create a ‘quiet week’ this summer to support employee well-being. Many campus offices will be observing this quiet week (Aug. 29-Sept. 2). The Valley Library will stay open this week with full services to support students during Finals Week. We will be closed next week for quiet week (more information). Lobby service will be available, Sept. 6, Sept. 8 and Sept. 9 from noon-5 p.m. 

Basic Needs Statement for Syllabus: Help-seeking is a skill set and the entire OSU community can help promote seeking help and conversationally break down the internal barriers that often prevent students from doing so early or at all. The Basic Needs Center community appreciates how often professors and instructors are talking about the BNC with their classes as part of their goals to be student-centered faculty members. To support this, staff can find updated language ready for copy-pasting into syllabi and some additional context for how to approach this conversation with classrooms on the BNC website.

Stone Soup volunteers sought: Stone Soup needs volunteers from the OSU community to help feed people who are food insecure in Corvallis. This is especially true as we enter the "dog days" of summer. The Tuesday shifts (3-5 p.m. and 5-7 p.m.) specifically invite students, faculty, staff and other OSU community members to join using our online sign-up: To volunteer for other days of the week please follow the directions and the email listed

Beware of Scams: OIS seeing rise in student targeting. As the beginning of Fall term approaches and students come back to class, scammers are increasingly targeting students to swindle them out of money or to gain access to sensitive information and login credentials. Learn more about what to look out for and how to stay safe at the Office of Information Security’s Community Awareness page.

University Day: On Sept. 13 we will gather for several activities to kick off the academic year. Learn more at This is a call for expo presenters – please reserve your booth space for the expo by going to The University Day expo is an ideal location to tell the OSU community about your unit and the services that you offer. For questions contact [email protected].

Reading Room new theme: This fall the Reading Room in Valley Library will be hosting the "Perseverance" collection. Perseverance can mean the ability to continue after facing something difficult, to keep moving forward, or the act of trying something after being made to think you can't. More than that, perseverance can be defined by what it means to you. We would like to ask you to suggest a book for this collection that tells us what perseverance means to you. Share a book, author or theme related to perseverance that can help guide the Reading Room's book collection this fall at

Funded Professional Development for Instructors and Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty: Join the Center for Teaching and Learning’s Fall ’22 resilient teaching community of practice. This cross-disciplinary learning community will use live discussions and online resources to explore pedagogical strategies to adapt to the changing teaching and learning landscape, and to build resilience into teaching practices. See the call for participation and submit a brief application by Sept. 7.

OSUWelcome: The OSUWelcome Steering Committee is now collecting events to be featured in OSUWelcome materials shared with the incoming student class. Once you have completed the OSUWelcome Activity Registration, you will receive more information about how to submit your event to the OSU Events calendar (Localist) and how to track attendance. Submitting your event to the OSU Events calendar and tracking attendance is required for your events to be featured in OSUWelcome materials. Complete the OSUWelcome Activity Registration form by Aug. 31. For more information visit and direct questions to [email protected].

Mid-Month Emergency Preparedness Topic: Water in Disasters. Humans are made up of 65% water and need water after three days or we will perish. Water flows through the blood, carrying oxygen and nutrients to cells and flushing wastes out of our bodies. It cushions our joints and soft tissues. Without water as a routine part of our intake, we cannot digest or absorb food. This month’s poster can be downloaded at:

Call for Blended Learning Fellowship Nominations: The Center for Teaching and Learning is accepting nominations and self-nominations for a 2022-23 Blended Learning Faculty Fellow. The Fellow will have opportunities to be involved in faculty development around blended learning, and will support CTL’s strategic goals of enhancing student success while developing a culture of teaching innovation. See call for nominations and apply by Sept. 23.

UHR Learning & Development is now accepting FYI Friday presentation proposals for Fall 2022: Does your unit have a new or existing service, process, system, policy or research you want to share with the campus community? FYI Friday is a program where campus partners are invited to present what they’re working on to a broad audience of professional faculty, academic faculty and classified staff. Presentations can be anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours in length; it’s up to you. Learn more about the requirements and application process. Contact [email protected] with questions, or for assistance.

Registration to present at the Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium (SURS) is open through Sept. 2: SURS is an annual showcase for OSU undergraduates to present their research and creative projects to the OSU community. Undergraduates from all academic disciplines, in all years of study and all stages of research or creative work are invited to present. Please encourage students to register to present during our virtual research symposium, which will be held on Sept. 13. The deadline for students to register to present is Sept. 2. Visit the SURS website to view event details. For more info, contact [email protected]

Free COVID tests: Free iHealth COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Tests are available around the Corvallis campus. Each box contains two tests. While supplies last, OSU community members can pick up these self-test kits without restrictions. Please note the FDA has extended the expiration date 90 days. For questions or accommodations related to disabilities, contact [email protected].

Traffic and Maintenance

Parking lot closures: For work related to the 2022 Summer Parking Lot Renewal Project, multiple parking lot and roadway closures along SW Intramural Lane are scheduled. The Intramural lot (lot #3294) will be closed Aug. 18-Sept. 9. The N. 16th St. East lot (lot #3224) will be closed Aug. 18- 31. The N. 16th St. West lot (lot #3223) will be closed Aug. 18-Sept. 14. SW Intramural Lane will be closed between SW 30th Street and SW 26th Street for the duration of the project (view map)


This email only lists new or recently updated job postings. For a full list of current job postings for OSU Today, go to: To apply for the below positions, visit unless otherwise specified.

EXTENDED! Office Specialist 2: OSU Division of Extension and Engagement invites applications for an Office Specialist 2 position based at the OSU Extension Service Umatilla County Office in Milton-Freewater. This is a 12-month, P/T (.5 FTE), classified position starting at $16.19 hourly + benefits. Posting #P03707CT. Closes Aug. 29.

NEW! Human Resources Retirement Officer: University Human Resources is hiring for a Retirement Officer. If you are a current employee and you do not meet the minimum qualifications, there is the possibility that a developmental opportunity may be considered.  This is a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, professional faculty position. Posting #P05932UF. Closes Aug. 31.

NEW! Recruitment Manager/Assistant Director, Graduate Recruitment: The College of Business Graduate Business Programs invites applications for a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, professional faculty position. Posting # P05955UF. Full consideration date Aug. 31. Closes Sept. 15.

NEW! Agricultural Master Gardener & Home Horticulture Coordinator: OSU Division of Extension and Engagement - Jackson County invites applications for an Agricultural Master Gardener & Home Horticulture Coordinator position based at the Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center in Central Point. This is a 12-month, F/T, professional faculty position. The anticipated starting salary is in the range of $54,000 - $60,000, commensurate with education, training and experience. Posting # P05991UF. Closes Sept. 9.

NEW! Grants/Contracts Coordinator: The Controller’s Unit invites applications for a full-time, 12-month Grants/Contracts Coordinator position that will support the College of Agricultural Sciences. Posting # P03746CT. Full consideration Sept. 6. Closes Sept. 18. 

NEW! Food Service Worker 2 reopened: University Housing & Dining Services (UHDS) invites applications for multiple Food Service Worker 2 positions. These are full-time, 10-month, classified positions. Posting # P03718CT. Closing date is Sept. 6.

EXTENDED! Open Campus & Juntos Coordinator: OSU Division of Extension and Engagement invites applications for a Bilingual Spanish Open Campus & Juntos Coordinator position based in Redmond. This is a F/T, 12-month, professional faculty position. The anticipated starting salary is $50,004-$65,004 per annum, commensurate with education, skills and experience. Posting # P05916UF. Closes Sept. 9.

NEW! Program Representative 1 - The Office of the Registrar is looking for two new people to join our team. The position is a full-time, 12-month position. Posting # P03747CT. Closes Sept. 18.

NEW! Assistant Professor of Practice, Extension forester: OSU Forestry and Natural Resources (FNR) Extension invites applications for an Assistant Professor of Practice position serving as an Extension forester. This is a 12-month, F/T, professional faculty position based in either Klamath Falls or Lakeview covering Klamath and Lake Counties. The anticipated starting salary is in the range of $58,008 - $63,000, commensurate with education, training and experience. Posting #P05984UF. Closes Oct. 4.

NEW! Crop and Soil Science Instructor: OSU Eastern Oregon Agriculture and Natural Resource Program, La Grande, is recruiting for a full-time instructors to teach on a term by term basis for the 2022-2023 academic year. These are fixed-term appointments. Courses to be taught may include crop science, soil science and rangeland ecology or rangeland management. Posting # P05893UF. For consideration to teach Winter Term 2023, applications should be received by Oct. 15. Instructor Pool open until June 15, 2023.

INTO OSU Learning Center Peer Tutor: The INTO OSU Learning Center in the International Living and Learning Center is hiring Peer Tutors for the upcoming academic year. This is a great part-time student job for students looking to work with international students on campus ($13.50/hr). Posting can be found on Handshake. Questions can be directed to [email protected], job posting and more details can be found at:


“August was nearly over - the month of apples and falling stars, the last care-free month for the school children. The days were not hot, but sunny and limpidly clear - the first sign of advancing autumn.” ~ Victor Nekrasov

Corvallis: Sunny this week, highs in the 90s to upper 80s, lows in the mid 50s.

Central Oregon: Sunny this week, highs in the  90s, lows in the 60s.

Newport: Mostly sunny this week, highs in the 70s to upper 60s, lows in the 50s.

Statewide: For OSU employees around the state, find your local forecast here: