Today in the News Media is a synopsis of some of the most prominent coverage of OSU people and programs. Inclusion of any item constitutes neither an endorsement nor a critique, but rather is intended only to make the OSU community aware of significant items in the media. For more about this section, see:
The community has partnered with Chris Adlam, an expert on prescribed burns with Oregon State University, to reintroduce low-intensity ground fires as often as once a year to mimic the natural fire cycle in the forest and further reduce the dangerous overload of woody fuels, he says.
A new study by the United States Geological Survey and the Oregon State University looks at the cost of dam removal, analyzing a variety of variables.
New research from Oregon State University shows that more than $9 billion in inflation-adjusted tax dollars, spent over the course of four decades, has failed to improve stocks of wild salmon and steelhead in the state’s Columbia River Basin. (see also Forbes, KGW, Oregon Capital Chronicle)
Jayathi Murthy’s term as president of Oregon State University began in September 2022. A mechanical engineer with decades of experience in both academia and industry, she was previously the dean of the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science. She spoke to EdTech about delivering education across Oregon, building a relationship with Oregon State University’s IT department and the critical importance of public higher education.
Young adults who are not in college are more likely to be frequent users of cannabis in states that have legalize its recreational use, according to an OSU study.
Oregon State University is constructing a wave energy testing facility off the Oregon Coast and, weather permitting, some of that work will be visible from shore this month.
Murthy reacted to news that Oregon and Washington accepted an invitation to the Big Ten Conference. It effectively ends the Pac-12, as Utah, Arizona and Arizona State accepted offers to join the Big 12 hours later.
“If you’ve ever swum in a lake in the summer, at the surface the water is warm and then you go under and it cools off quickly,” explains Michael Behrenfeld, an ocean ecologist at Oregon State University, “that’s the layer of stratification that you go through,” he clarifies.
The study – conducted by scientists from the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK; Oregon State University, USA; University of Maine, USA; and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA – is based on data collected by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Earth Science satellite mission called Aqua.
A team of researchers at Oregon State University is developing new technology to recycle wastewater from anaerobic digesters so it can be used to irrigate crops.
Researcher Juliana Ranches has been studying the impact of wildfires on cattle at Oregon State University for years.
“Everybody can kind of see what political and economic events are going on in a country, and so credit-rating agencies aren’t really revealing hidden information,” said Alison Johnston of Oregon State University, co-author of a book on ratings companies. “It’s kind of a thankless business, so to speak, because it’s really easy for credit-rating agencies to take the heat if they don’t get it right.” (see also Bloomberg)
Jeff Sherman-Duncan was recently named as associate vice provost for partnerships with Oregon State University’s Division of Extension and Engagement in Corvallis.
Veterans receive information about funding opportunities via an online listserv where they also exchange ideas and ask questions of each other, go on farm tours and, most of all, build community.
Timely advice on garden chores, fertilizing, pest control, and more from OSU Extension. These tips are not necessarily applicable to all areas of Oregon. For more information, contact your local Extension office.
Gardening season is underway, and you may have questions. To ask one, simply go to the OSU Extension website, type it in and include the county where you live. A photo is very helpful.
Star power: The starfish were out in full force during the lowest tides of the year in Oceanside July 3-4. Photo by Molly Rosbach. We are accepting photo submissions at [email protected].
NEW! Timely Teaching Tips: Quality media is a vital part of teaching. Want to brush up on creating and using educational media? See Using Media from Learn@OregonState. Looking for media training or equipment to borrow? Need to consult with experts on video or audio recording? Check out the Media Hub, a one-stop resource for OSU faculty, students and staff.
Jason Piasecki M.S. defense: Jason Piasecki will present his thesis, titled: “Red Tree Voles in Working Forests,” at 9 a.m., Aug. 7, in PFSC 302 / Zoom. Piasecki is earning his M.S. in sustainable forest management within the Department of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management with John Bailey. Contact the FERM Department at [email protected] with requests for Zoom link, questions or for accommodations for disabilities.
NEW!’s Generation Integration: "Thriving in the Multigenerational Workforce," 9 a.m., Aug. 8. Millennials spend all their money on avocado toast. Gen X and Boomers are out of touch. Gen Z stares at their phones all day. It’s easy to get caught up in generational stereotypes — and at work, the generational gap is wider than ever. Join Ryan Jenkins, a Wall Street Journal best-selling author and an internationally recognized keynote speaker, to learn how to understand, support and advocate for your coworkers and yourself in the multigenerational workplace. Register here.
Care Talks, Parenting Children with Disabilities: Education – Strategies and Resources for Success. Raising a child with a disability/special needs clearly presents a host of factors impacting options for schooling at all levels. Parents can be easily overwhelmed by the many special considerations and preparations required to access opportunities and achieve valued educational goals. This discussion centers on identifying strategies and resources to provide essential support to successfully educate and enrich the lives of children with disabilities/special needs. 10 a.m. Aug. 8. Register today.
OSU Employee Parent Connections: 1-2 p.m., Tuesdays during summer term. An opportunity for OSU’s parenting employees to come together through Zoom and talk about anything related to parenting and working. Share resources with each other, ask questions of each other, celebrate milestones, share successes and challenges and more. Email Kristi King, [email protected], with the Family Resource Center for the Zoom link.
OSUsed Store Public Sales: The OSUsed Store carries furniture, computers, household items, office supplies and more, at 644 SW 13th St. Public sales are open to all shoppers 5:30-7:30 p.m.Tuesdays and noon to 3 p.m. Fridays; details here. Staff may shop for their department Mondays through Thursdays, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; details here
Care Talks, Financial Wellness: Investment Basics. Understanding investment basics helps ensure your money will be there when you need it. The webinar will differentiate between saving and investing, identify the principles of investing and explain how to assess your financial health. 10 a.m., Aug. 9. Register today.
14th Annual Treasure Valley Golf Tournament: Support student-athletes and network with fellow Treasure Valley Beavers while enjoying a fun day on the course. Don't golf? Join for a delicious buffet lunch, a raffle prize drawing and remarks from OSU Athletics special guests. Shotgun start 8:30 a.m. with lunch and awards at 12:30 p.m. on Aug. 11. Register solo or with a foursome.
OSUsed Store Public Sales: The OSUsed Store carries furniture, computers, household items, office supplies and more, at 644 SW 13th St. Public sales are open to all shoppers 5:30-7:30 p.m.Tuesdays and noon to 3 p.m. Fridays; details here. Staff may shop for their department Mondays through Thursdays, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; details here
NEW! Post-tsunami talk: Taichi Uchio, a cultural anthropologist at the Shizuoka University of Art and Culture in Japan, will give a talk on Aug. 14 titled "Dignity After the March 11, 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami: An Ethnography of Post-Tsunami Mariculture Reconstruction in Japan." Oregon Sea Grant is hosting the event. The presentation will take place in person and online at 10 a.m. RSVP to [email protected] for the Zoom link. The in-person option will take place at Oregon Sea Grant's office in Corvallis, 1600 SW Western Blvd., Suite 350.
NEW! Health Center open house: Student Health Services has a new home but still provides the same student-centered care as offered at the Plageman Building for the past 87 years. From 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Aug. 19, community members are invited to the new Health Center at 850 SW 26th St. (next to Reser Stadium). The new facility creates opportunities to expand student health care and builds upon a partnership between OSU Student Health and Samaritan Health Services to better serve the broader OSU and Corvallis community. Snacks, refreshments and free swag provided.
NEW! Digital Detox Retreat: The Contemplative Studies annual summer retreat will be held Sept. 1-3 at the new OSU Contemplative Practice Center at 648 SW Second St. in downtown Corvallis. 6-9 p.m. Friday; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Guided by Hemant Bhanoo and Kate Gallagher. Public: $220; Faculty/Staff: $200; Students $120. Scholarship funds available for undergraduate students. Pre-registration required.
Volunteers wanted for Open Streets Corvallis: This free street festival re-imagines our most shared public spaces – streets and parks. A mile of city streets between Central Park and Peanut Park will be opened up for people to walk, bike and roll (see this year’s route map). The event is co-sponsored by OSU Transportation Services. Volunteers help set up, keep people hydrated, manage intersections and more.11 a.m.-3 p.m., Aug. 20. Learn more and sign up:
Rebecca Rutstein: Hatfield Marine Science Center, in collaboration with PRAx, presents a new exhibition of paintings by multidisciplinary artist Rebecca Rutstein. Her collaborations with oceanographers, microbiologists and geologists foster conversation about stewardship of precarious environments in the face of ecological crisis. Her exhibition will be displayed at the Hatfield Marine Science Center from July 24-Dec. 15, 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Fidelity, TIAA, OSGP(Voya) on campus consultations: Summer Dates are now available: No matter where you are in life — just starting your career or retiring next year — a session with a financial advisor can help you create a plan to achieve your goals. Fidelity, TIAA and OSGP(Voya) advisors are available to OSU employees (except for student employees) at no cost as a part of your retirement plan. On-campus and virtual appointments are available throughout the summer. For Fidelity representative Justin Blatny, schedule at For TIAA representative AJ Martinez, CFP, schedule at For OSGP(Voya) representative Charles Yu, schedule at
NEW! Care Talks, Caring for Aging Loved Ones: "Senior Driving & Transportation." This session focuses on the three gears of senior driving: driving assessment, driving retirement and driving alternatives and how to have the conversation with parents about moving from the driver’s seat to the passenger seat. 10 a.m., Aug. 16. Register today.
NEW! Thesis defense: An M.S. thesis defense seminar will presented by Dan Blanchard: “Developing Tools to Utilize the Oregon State University Woody Plant Collection and Establish a Campus Arboretum.” 2 p.m. Aug. 16, ALS 4000 or via Zoom. Blanchard is a masters graduate student in the Department of Horticulture. Major advisor, Ryan Contreras.
NEW! Care Talks, Succeed at Work: "Maximizing Your Time." Time management and organizational skills are critical to successfully balancing work, life and family. You will learn strategies and tips for organizing and managing that will make a critical difference in the quality of your work and life. 10 a.m., Aug. 17. Register today.
NEW! Water resources defense: Paige Becker (Ph.D. Water Resources Engineering) will defend her dissertation, titled, “Scaling up hyporheic exchange processes and finding the intermediate sweet spot,” at 2 p.m., Aug. 17, in Gilmore Hall 234 and on Zoom. Adam Ward of Biological & Ecological Engineering advises Becker. Contact [email protected] for Zoom details.
NEW! Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): The popular, evidence-based, eight-week course created by Jon Kabat-Zinn will be offered starting Oct. 17 at OSU’s Contemplative Practice Center, 648 SW Second St. in downtown Corvallis. Evening sessions 6-8:30 p.m. will be guided by Catherine Polan Orzech, MA, LMFT. Public: $450; faculty/staff: $400; students $350. Scholarship funds available for undergraduate students. Pre-registration required.
Open forums: The Administrative Modernization Program (AMP) is an initiative advancing a key action in OSU’s Strategic Plan 4.0 to integrate and simplify technology systems, data practices and policies. AMP will replace OSU’s core administrative IT systems, increase capacity, standardize processes and tools and streamline support capabilities. There will be several university forums through early October during which the team will provide information about AMP and invite questions and discussion. Upcoming sessions will be held in person and via Zoom (locations in link): 1-2 p.m., Aug. 14; 9-10 a.m., Sept 20; and 11 a.m. to noon, Oct. 9:
FYI Friday: Office of Human Resources Learning & Development is now accepting FYI Friday presentation proposals for Winter 2024. Does your unit have a new or existing service, process, system, policy or research you want to share with the campus community? Consider FYI Friday as your venue. FYI Friday is a program where campus partners are invited to present what they’re working on to a broad audience of professional faculty, academic faculty and classified staff. Presentations can be anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours in length; it’s up to you. Learn more about the requirements and application process. Contact [email protected] for information.
Core Curriculum for OSU managers and supervisors: Managers and supervisors at OSU play a key role in enabling employees to do their best work. The Core Curriculum for Managers and Supervisors is a training program for all Oregon State University managers, supervisors, and lead workers. Learners will: have a solid understanding about the principles and policies that apply to our employees; know how to navigate within the space of talent management activities; recognize when, and how, to provide equal opportunity & access to employees. Summer 2023 program: 8:15 a.m. to noon, Tuesdays & Thursdays Aug. 15-24, via Zoom. Fall 2023 program: 8:15 a.m. to noon, Tuesday - Friday Nov. 14-17, via Zoom Learn more and register.
OSU Engagement Conference registration and awards: Register by Aug. 21 for the inaugural OSU Engagement Conference, Sept. 5-6 at the CH2M Hill Alumni Center. This event is designed to increase awareness of engagement and engaged scholarship efforts across the university. It also includes the OSU Engagement Awards, which recognize efforts to develop programs or projects that adhere to the principles of community engagement and engaged scholarship.
Search Advocate Foundations workshop series: July through December 2023 options are now open for registration. Search Advocates are content-neutral external process advisors who work with search committees to enhance equity, validity, and diversity (the role is mostly facilitative—not the compliance police) The full series is four 4-hour sessions; please go to SA Workshops for the cohort schedule and a link to the registration system. For questions, please contact Anne Gillies, program director ([email protected] or 541-760-6160).
FourSight Mindset Reveal Workshop: How do you approach a challenge? FourSight Mindset Reveal is a new workshop presented by University Human Resources that dives deep into the way that we solve problems together. This engaging workshop helps people learn more about their own mindset, learn appreciation for how colleagues work and together be able create a stronger team environment and reach more creative solutions. In the spirit of professional development, University Human Resources is excited to offer this new two-hour workshop to OSU employees on a monthly basis starting this Spring! View upcoming workshops and enroll here. A $40 fee covers materials. Hurry – seats are limited.
Social Justice Education: Social Justice Education Initiative workshops are open for registration through Fall 23. The SJEI is a foundational professional development program for all faculty, staff and graduate students. Join your colleagues to begin, or expand, your equity and inclusion journey. Learn more, see the schedule and register for remote Tier One Platform and Tier Two Next Level workshops here. Interested in this development for your unit? Contact SJEI director Jane Waite for further information: [email protected].
Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue: Learn skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional, or risky topics. Discover how to speak and be heard (and how to encourage others to do the same), surface the best ideas, make the highest-quality decisions and act on your decisions with unity and commitment. View dates for the Summer 2023 and Fall 2023 courses and register here. There is a $100 fee to attend this workshop.
NEW! Health and Safety: The University Health & Safety Committee wants to promote health and safety by reminding employees to report all work-related accidents and near miss/near-hits (almost accidents) to your supervisor to ensure incidents are investigated to eliminate hazards and improve safety. Supervisors should complete the HR Advocate Public Incident Reporting form online at to document this process. You can also access OSU’s University Health & Safety Committee online at, including past meeting minutes, information on how to contact a committee member and a link to report safety concerns online.
NEW! Mid-Month Emergency Preparedness Topic: Waste. Natural and man-made disasters such as floods, hurricanes or warfare that flood the sewer system can cause additional personal and community disasters. You may be unable to flush the toilets or run water for weeks or even months. Failure to properly dispose of human waste can lead to epidemics. English and Spanish versions of this bulletin can be found here:
NEW! Study on relationships after cancer: A research team at Oregon State University is enrolling young adult survivors of breast/gynecologic cancer and their partners to participate in “Opening the Conversation” intervention to improve coping and communication for young couples after cancer. The eligibility criteria for this study are that the survivor had a breast or gynecologic cancer diagnosis at age 18-39, survivor was diagnosed between six months and five years ago, survivor has a partner, partner is age 18 or older, and both partners must agree to participate. This study is open to all couples, regardless of gender identity. For more information, contact principal investigator [email protected].
NEW! Anytime Anywhere Mental Health Support App Rebranding: The Anytime Anywhere mental health support app for students has a new name and logo. The MySSP app is now TELUS Health Student Support. No action is required to continue using the app. Students will see some visual changes on the app, but the mental health and well-being support services offered will stay exactly the same. Marketing materials featuring the new app name and logo will roll out soon and departments are asked to update the posters displayed. Questions about this transition or the program may be directed to [email protected].
NEW! Recognized Student Organizations: In accordance with the fiscal policy program, the Fiscal Policy Committee is soliciting your feedback on an updated policy draft for Recognized Student Organizations (currently titled University Student Organizations). For more information and instructions on how to provide your valued feedback, please visit on the Notifications Page – Policy Under Review Fiscal Policy Program website.
NEW! Host your event at the Alumni Center: 40,000 square feet of beautiful indoor and outdoor spaces. Helpful staff, vendors and tech support. Modern and comfortable facilities. The CH2M HILL Alumni Center is open to campus and the public for event bookings and can provide everything you need to achieve your event goals. Book your event space with us.
NEW! Beavs Give Crowdfunding: Is your unit or club seeking short-term fundraising opportunities? OSU Foundation is accepting projects for our Beavs Give crowdfunding platform. We'll help you set up a campaign page -- marketing is up to you and your team. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Travel listserv: Sign up for the Travel & Expense listserv and stay up to date with Travel & Expense. Our monthly newsletter highlights new features, updates on policies and procedures, helpful reminders and tips/tricks to navigating and using Concur. This listserv has replaced the retired Travel listserv (pre-Concur), so be sure to opt into the new listserv today: After opting in, you will receive an emailed link to confirm your subscription. Questions? Email us.
Active Shooter training: OSU Emergency Management offers in-department active shooter training. The 45-minute in-person presentation teaches OSU’s Run.Hide.Fight response to an active threat. To schedule a session for your team, email [email protected].
AMP open forums: Discover more about the Administrative Modernization Program (AMP) at our Open Forums. AMP is a crucial step towards streamlining administrative processes and simplifying our technology systems. Attend the forum to gain insights, ask questions and share your ideas. Your engagement is vital to the success of this transformation. Visit the AMP Open Forums page for more details and to plan your attendance: Shape the future of OSU with us.
University Day Expo Registration is now open: From noon to 2 p.m., Sept. 19, gather with 40+ units and over 1,000 OSU faculty and staff to celebrate the OSU community, learn about resources on campus and network with your colleagues. Reserve your spot today. Register by Sept. 12. Questions? Contact [email protected].
New name for CPHHS: The College of Public Health and Human Sciences is undergoing exciting changes, including a new name (College of Health) and structure. Learn more about these changes, the new schools, and contact information for each.
NEW! Washington Way: As part of the Washington Way Improvement project, SW Washington Way between SW 15th and SW 26th streets will be closed to vehicle traffic from Aug. 7-Sept. 7. This is an update to the existing Washington Way closure. In addition, the intersection and crosswalks at Washington Way and SW 17th Street will be closed. The sidewalk on the north side of Washington Way between 15th Street and SW Benton Place will also be closed. The multi-use path on the south side of Washington Way will remain open as a pedestrian detour.
Reser Stadium parking: As part of Completing Reser Stadium project, the west Reser Stadium parking lot directly behind the new west side construction will be closed for paving and striping activities July 31-Aug. 8. (view map)
Beaver Beginnings parking lot: As part of the 2023 Parking Lot Improvement Program, the parking lot north of Beaver Beginnings child care center (parking lot #3207) will be closed for improvements for the month of August. These improvements will, at times, cause noise and dust. (view map)
Richardson Hall: As part of the 2023 Parking Lot Improvement Program, the parking lot south of Richardson Hall and west of Dryden Hall (parking lot #3341) will be closed for improvements for the month of August. This closure includes access drives off SW 30th Street and SW Washington Way. These improvements will, at times, cause noise and dust. (view map)
ADA crosswalk ramp: As part of the Cordley Renovation Project, a new ADA crosswalk ramp will be installed at the northeast corner of NW 27th Street and NW Orchard Avenue. A pedestrian and ADA detour will be in place with appropriate signage.
NEW! SW 26th Street: Traffic pattern change on SW 26th Street will improve safety & advance OSU’s Transportation Plan. A section of SW 26th Street stretching from SW Jefferson Way north to NW Orchard Avenue will be changed from two-way vehicle traffic to one-way, northbound traffic only. The change will take place after road work is completed on Aug. 10-11 (learn more). The street will also be updated with new signage, designated north and south bicycle lanes and other street markings designed to clarify and enhance the pedestrian and bicyclist priority zone.
26th Street: As part of the Pedestrian/Bicycle Priority Zone project – Phase 1, SW 26th Street will be closed for restriping between SW Jefferson Way and SW Campus Way and between SW Campus way and NW Orchard Avenue Aug. 10-11. The ADA and service parking spots along SW 26th Street bordering the MU Quad will be closed. Sidewalk access will be open and east/west access on SW Campus and SW Jefferson Ways will be open.
Campus Way: As part of the Withycombe Hall Renovation project, the north sidewalk on SW Campus Way between the East Greenhouses and SW 30th Street will be closed to pedestrian traffic through Aug. 31. Pedestrians may detour across Campus Way at the crosswalk located directly in front of the East Greenhouses or at the intersection with 30th Street and use the south sidewalk.
Kerr south parking lot: As part of the Kerr Administration South Parking Lot Improvement project, the Kerr South parking lot will be closed for construction activities from June 26-Sept. 27. The path running along the west side of the Kerr Administration Building will be closed along with the south entrance/exit to the parking lot and the ADA ramp. Other possible impacts include noise, dust and mud near the construction site.
Student Legacy Park: Student Legacy Park, including all fields, tennis facilities, basketball court and sand volleyball courts will be closed for resurfacing and turf replacement starting on Monday, June 19 and continuing through the summer. The sidewalk on the north side of Washington Way directly adjacent to Student Legacy Park will also be closed. Other possible impacts include noise, dust and mud near the construction site.
This email only lists new or recently updated job postings. For a full list of current job postings for OSU Today, go to: To apply for the below positions, visit unless otherwise specified.
UPDATED! Office Manager: Academic Programs Office, College of Agricultural Sciences invites applications for a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, Office Manager. Posting #P07165UF. Closes Aug. 14
NEW! Library Desk Students: OSU Libraries and Press invites all students to apply for a position at the Valley Library (Corvallis) in the Library Experience and Access Department, working at the new borrowing and information desk. Posting #P10133SE. Closes Aug. 15.
NEW! The Office of Enrollment Management invites nominations for or letters of interest in the position of Director of the GEAR UP program. This is an internal target focused search. The Director of the GEAR UP program is responsible for a statewide effort to increase enrollment of students from low-income families in post-secondary education. The GEAR UP program is a federally funded program within the US Department of Education. Interest and nominations must be received by Aug. 16. Contact Joy Jorgensen for a copy of the position description and to submit nominations or letters of interest with resume: [email protected].
NEW! University Human Resources is seeking a Paid Leave Specialist. This is a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, professional faculty position. Posting #P07170UF. Closes Aug. 18.
NEW! Administrative Office Manager: OSU Extension Service Morrow County Office invites applications for an Administrative Office Manager position. This is a 12-month, professional faculty position based in Heppner. An FTE of 0.8 to 1.0 will be considered. The anticipated full-time starting salary will be $61,400-67,800. Posting #P07180UF. Closes Aug. 22.
NEW! Climate Change Curriculum Coordinator: OSU Division of Extension and Engagement is seeking applications for a Climate Change Curriculum Coordinator for a USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture’s (NIFA) Youth Innovators Empowering Agriculture Across America Coordination Network (YEA-CN TIYA grant) project. This is a full-time, 12-month, professional faculty position housed within the Division’s Extension Outdoor School program in Corvallis. Posting #P07176UF. Closes Aug. 24.
NEW! Instructor and Associate Director of Academic Programs: The School of Human Development and Family Sciences (HDFS) in Oregon State University’s College of Health invites applications for a combination position of an Instructor and an Associate Director of Academic Programs. The incumbent will hold two appointments, a 0.5 FTE, fixed term, nine-month Instructor position, and a 0.5 FTE 12-month professional faculty position as Associate Director of Academic Programs. Posting #P07160UF. Full consideration Aug. 25.
NEW! Two Access Adviser positions: Disability Access Services (DAS) invites applicants for a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, professional faculty positions. Posting #P07163UF, Closes Aug. 28.
NEW! Director of Extension External Relations: OSU Extension and Engagement invites applications for a Director of Extension External Relations position. In collaboration with University Governmental Relations, the OSU Extension and Engagement executive team and the Director of Extension Communications and Marketing, this position will have a vital role providing leadership and expertise in the development and implementation of Extension and Engagement advocacy and legislative priorities. This is a full-time, 12-month, professional faculty position based in Corvallis. Posting #P07166UF. Closes Aug. 31.
NEW! Administrative Manager: College of Health, Office of Student Success invites applications for a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, Administrative Manager. Posting #P07164UF. For full consideration, apply by Sept. 1.
“August is the slow, gentle month that stretches out the longest across the span of a year. It yawns and lingers on with the light in its palms.” ~ Victoria Erickson
Corvallis: Mostly sunny this week with highs in the upper 80s and lows in the upper 50s.
Central Oregon: Partly to mostly sunny this week with highs in the 80s and lows in the 50s.
Newport: Cloudy and drizzly until mid week, highs in the 70s, lows in the 50s.
Statewide: For OSU employees around the state, find your local forecast here: