Today in the News Media

Today in the News Media is a synopsis of some of the most prominent coverage of OSU people and programs. Inclusion of any item constitutes neither an endorsement nor a critique, but rather is intended only to make the OSU community aware of significant items in the media. For more about this section, see:

Deep-sea volcano off the Oregon Coast helps scientists forecast eruptions (OPB News)

“As magma rises up underneath and accumulates under the surface, the whole volcano inflates like a balloon… pressure builds up,” says Bill Chadwick, the Oregon State University volcanologist who’s leading the cruise that took researchers out to sea for two weeks last summer. “Eventually that magma opens up a crack, finds a way out, erupts lava on the seafloor. [Then] the whole volcano quickly subsides back down.”

Oregon State University names two distinguished professors (Oregon State)

Oregon State University has named Emily Ho and Yanyun Zhao as its 2023 University Distinguished Professor recipients, the highest academic honor the university bestows on faculty.

Finalists for OSU-Cascades top leadership position to be interviewed, provide campus presentations (Cascade Business News)

The final candidates for the role of chancellor and dean, the top leadership position at Oregon State University — Cascades, will each visit the Bend campus during the weeks of March 20 and April 3 for interviews and meetings, and a presentation to the OSU-Cascades campus community. Finalists also will visit Oregon State’s Corvallis campus as part of the interview process.

Benton museums aim to modernize history, get more people through the door (Democrat-Herald)

Room had been at a premium after Benton's society negotiated with Oregon State University to receive the contents of the Horner Museum, around 60,000 items transferred after the Corvallis campus closed out its collection.

Bird flu ruled out in Mt. Tabor bald eagle death (KOIN)

Experts at Oregon State University are actively performing an “extensive” autopsy on the eagle to determine its cause of death, Ross said. The bird’s official cause of death remains unknown.

Success program launch: Career competencies in every term (Inside Higher Ed)

Oregon State University, Cascades, is placing career-readiness competencies in the classroom and at the forefront of campus activities with its new initiative, Cascades Edge.

Today's photo

Morning colors: Tara Bevandich, administrative assistant with the Department of Integrative Biology, says, “I took this photo of the sunrise, taken from Hoskins Road looking east. Corvallis is just over those hills.” We are accepting photo submissions at [email protected].

NEW! Timely Teaching Tips: OSU’s Quality Teaching Framework encourages faculty to champion a culture of diverse, equitable and inclusive learning. Wondering how Zoom features can be used to support inclusive learning? See Inclusivity in Zoom from UIT Academic Technologies for ways to leverage Zoom features including sign language interpretation, live transcription, preferred pronouns, name change and screen reader alerts.


Clayton Sodergren MF defense: Clayton Sodergren will present his capstone, titled: “Long-Term Effects of Fire Severity, Time Since Fire, and Topography on Douglas-Fir Canopy Complexity in the Western Cascades, Oregon, USA,” at 10 a.m. March 17 on Zoom. Sodergren is earning his MF in Forest Ecosystems and Society with Lisa Ganio and David Bell. Contact the FES Department at [email protected] for the link or for accommodations for disabilities.

FYI Friday – Learning & Development Opportunities for OSU Faculty & Staff (FYI Friday Winter 2023): Are you seeking personal and professional development, but you’re not sure where to look? Join us to learn how to find and discover learning and development opportunities that are relevant to you. This Zoom session, from 11 a.m. to noon March 17, will provide a tour of the Training Portal featured in, a demonstration of how to navigate LinkedIn Learning and an overview of additional resources featured in UHR’s Learning & Development website. Registration required.

FST Farm 2 Fork Webinar: “Sustainability@Nestle.” Would you like to learn about sustainability goals in the world's largest, most diversified food and beverage company? Noon to 12:45 p.m. March 17. Register today.

Music à la Carte: Cameron O'Connor, guitar. Celebrate St. Paddy's Day, March 17, with a midday music interlude. OSU guitar instructor Cameron O’Connor will perform a noon program in the Memorial Union lounge that includes Bach preludes, Irish ballads and postcards from Spain. Free, open to all.

OSUsed Store Public Sales: The OSUsed Store carries furniture, computers, household items, office supplies and more at 644 SW 13th St. Public sales are open to all shoppers this Tuesday, 5:30-7:30 p.m. and Friday, noon to 3 p.m.; details here. Staff may shop for their department Mondays through Thursdays, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; details here.

Meat Center: The Clark Meat Science Center retail store will be open Friday from noon to 6 p.m. Products include fresh and cooked/smoked sausages, bacon, retail cuts, jerky and snack sticks. The store is at 3260 SW Campus Way, next to the Motor Pool. Contact [email protected] for questions regarding the store.

College of Public Health & Human Sciences research seminars: Amy Handler, president and CEO, Planned Parenthood Southwestern Oregon, will speak from 1-2 p.m. March 17 on “The Future of Abortion Access in Oregon, Hallie Ford 115 and online at

Course Design Bootcamp: Have you heard of the Course Design Institute? How about the Course Design Bootcamp? Join the Center for Teaching and Learning in a streamlined sequence of workshops and activities to learn backwards course design approaches to (re)develop your course. Two consecutive Friday afternoons, 2-5 p.m. March 17 and March 24, LINC 307. Space is limited. Register here.

Faculty Senate special session: The Faculty Senate will hold a Special Session 2-4 p.m., March 17, to respond to and clarify topics related to the Learning Outcome, Criteria, and Rationale (LOCR) Report. This Special Session is information only, and no motions nor amendments shall be accepted on the floor. The agenda is online at This meeting will be held in the LaSells Stewart Center Construction and Engineering Hall with a Zoom webinar option available. Non-senators are can participate via webinar. Please complete the brief Qualtrics survey requesting to participate; the webinar link will be sent upon completion of the survey.

New Zealand: Sustainable Pastoral Landscapes - Faculty-led program info session: Join OSU faculty leaders Serkan Ates and Paul Dorres from the College of Agricultural Sciences for a four-credit, two-week program in New Zealand, Sept. 12-26. An information session will be held 3 p.m. March 17 in StAg 240 and via Zoom. For details, visit the Office of Global Opportunities events calendar and the program brochure and application.

Orange & Black Vocal Scholarship Concert: A night of choral music celebrating the arts at OSU, featuring OSU’s top choral ensembles, directed by Steven Zielke and Sandra Babb. 7:30 p.m. March 17 at the First United Methodist Church, 1165 NW Monroe Ave., Corvallis. Tickets $10 at the door (cash/check only). OSU students free with OSU ID. Online ticket sales expected to resume at 9 a.m. March 15 following resolution of a technical issue.


Corvallis Public Seed Library Pop-Up Vegetable Garden Plant Clinic: Benton County Master Gardeners will hold a pop-up plant clinic event at the Corvallis-Benton County Library's Public Seed Library 10 a.m.-1 p.m., March 18. Master Gardeners will help you plan your garden, select seeds right for you, and answer your vegetable garden growing questions. Learn more at


NEW! Reading and talk with author Christopher Preston: Author Christopher Preston will discuss his new book, “Tenacious Beasts: Wildlife Recoveries That Change How We Think about Animals,” at 5:30 p.m., March 23 in the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library’s main meeting room. He will offer a look at how some wildlife species are defying the odds and teaching important lessons about how to share a planet. Co-sponsored by the Spring Creek Project, the School of History, Philosophy and Religion, and the College of Forestry.

American Strings: An Evening with The Kingston Trio: Join University Director of Popular Music Bob Santelli in a conversation with the legendary folk group The Kingston Trio. Following the interview, the trio will perform such classics as “Where Have All The Flowers Gone?” and “Tom Dooley.” 7:30 p.m. April 18 at 7:30 p.m. in The LaSells Stewart Center C&E Hall. Attendance is limited to 200. Tickets are $25 and go on sale at 8 a.m. Feb. 27 at

Lectures, Workshops, Webinars

NEW! Webinar on coping with a crisis or traumatic event: A crisis or traumatic event can be both environmental and personal and can cause physical, emotional or psychological distress or harm. These events are often perceived and experienced as a threat to one’s safety or to the stability of one’s world and the impact can be either on those who have experienced the event firsthand or those who have seen it on television. Noon, March 21: Register here.

NEW! College of Engineering faculty lecture: Geoff Hollinger, “Decision Making for Marine Robotics,” noon to 1 p.m., March 21. Virtual lecture, free and open to the public. Details and registration:

NEW! Travel Talks — Italian Wine and Coffee: Join the OSUAA Group Travel Program for Travel Talk webinar 5:30-6:30 p.m., March 21. Elizabeth Tomasino, associate professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, will discuss her research on sensory analysis, flavor chemistry, global/regional/sub-regional wine styles, consumer preferences and so much more. Following the presentation, Kate Sanders, director II of the OSUAA Group Travel Program, will preview upcoming Italian getaways. Register at

NEW! English conversation classes: Crossroads Conversation School for Women invites international women to join us this spring for English conversation classes. In volunteer-taught classes, students will explore other cultures, practice English and develop friendships. This term we are offering both in-person classes (open to all levels of English learners) and an online class (for intermediate and advanced English learners). Classes begin April 4. For more details and registration information see or contact Kara Hanson at [email protected].

NEW! Women in Wood Science: Women, people of color and historically marginalized groups are underrepresented in STEM; let’s change this. Join us on April 11 for a day exploring the dynamic field of wood science. Meet experts, network with fellow students, alumni and industry leaders, participate in hands-on activities and discover career options. Register now.

FourSight Mindset Reveal Workshop: How do you approach a challenge? FourSight Mindset Reveal is a new monthly workshop presented by university human resources that dives deep into the way that we solve problems together. This engaging workshop helps people learn more about their own mindset, learn appreciation for how colleagues work, and together be able to create a stronger team environment and reach more creative solutions. View upcoming workshops and enroll here. A $40 fee covers materials. Seats are limited.

Register today for the Ecampus faculty forum: Take part in discussions about online teaching excellence and explore the changing landscape of online education by attending the Ecampus faculty forum this spring. This event includes sessions for everyone, from those who are curious about teaching online to seasoned online instructors and university leadership. Held at the CH2M Hill Alumni Center and online via Zoom, this event includes preconference workshops on May 8 and interactive sessions on May 9. See the full agenda and register today.

Take Note

NEW! AWSEM Club: Registration for STEM Academy's In-Person AWSEM Club for 5th-7th graders is open. AWSEM=Advocates for Women in Science, Engineering, and Math. The club will meet in-person on Tuesdays, from 6-7 p.m., April 25-May 23. Topics: Entomology, engineering, physics, microbiology and genetics. For more information or to register, please go to:

NEW! 40 years of service: Congratulations to Elizabeth Cole, senior faculty research assistant, for being honored for 40 years of service at OSU. You can read more about their time at OSU and others who have reached this milestone by clicking on their name.

Instructors, request spring course reserves now: Help make sure students can find their textbooks at the library. Submit a new request to OSU Libraries & Press each term. The Libraries prioritize electronic resources, accept personal and department copies of material, as well as purchase eBooks and physical items on request. More info at

Mid-Month Emergency Preparedness Topic: Food. If an earthquake, winter storm or other disaster strikes your community, you might not have access to food, water and electricity for days or even weeks. By taking time now to store emergency food supplies, you can provide for your entire family. People can survive for long periods of time without food. However, going days without eating can cause nutrient deficiencies and unpleasant – even dangerous – side effects. Consider maintaining a two week food supply. More information can be found here:

Have questions about creating accessible course materials? Join the OSU Digital Accessibility Community Microsoft Team. This team is a space to share resources and build community around digital accessibility and is supported by UIT-Academic Technologies, EOA, DAS, CTL and Ecampus. Share your questions or knowledge about accessibility in documents, images or video and get support from the community. Need help with MS Teams? Contact the Service Desk

Center for Teaching and Learning "Are You IN(clusive)? READ, REFLECT, REFORM” Spring Book Club: The Read, Reflect, Reform book clubs use a blended format with two synchronous meetings (times set by the group, in person or remote) and asynchronous activities. Activities commence Spring Term 2023. You will receive free “Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom” (while supplies last). Register now. March 17 deadline.

Call for Applications: Career Champions Program: Applications for the spring 2023 Career Champions program for teaching faculty and instructors are now being accepted. The Career Champions program provides faculty and instructors with tangible ways to incorporate career connection into the classroom, while advancing diversity, equity and inclusion and examining the barriers to access for first-generation, high financial need, and/or students of color. More information can be found on the Center for Teaching and Learning website. Direct questions to Director of Career Integration, Brenna Gomez. To apply, please complete the application form by March 17 

Traffic and Maintenance

Washington Way: As part of the Washington Way Improvement project, Washington Way between 30th and 35th streets will be closed March 17. Flaggers will be present at the 35th St. intersection to direct traffic. Other possible impacts include dust, mud and noise near the construction site.


This email only lists new or recently updated job postings. For a full list of current job postings for OSU Today, go to: To apply for the below positions, visit unless otherwise specified.

NEW! Painter: University Housing and Dining Services invites applications for a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, Painter position. Posting #P04065CT. Closes March 31.


“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." ~ Amelia Earhart

Corvallis: Patchy fog and then mostly sunny, high of 60, low of 35. Partly sunny Saturday, rain likely Sunday.

Central Oregon: Sunny today, high of 51, low of 28. Mostly sunny Saturday, chance of rain and snow Sunday.

Newport: Patchy frost and then mostly sunny today, high of 57, low of 37. Slight chance of rain Saturday, rain Sunday.

Statewide: For OSU employees around the state, find your local forecast here: