Today in the News Media is a synopsis of some of the most prominent coverage of OSU people and programs. Inclusion of any item constitutes neither an endorsement nor a critique, but rather is intended only to make the OSU community aware of significant items in the media. For more about this section, see:
Oregon State University (OSU) and Sandia National Laboratory have received a $540,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy, to explore capturing carbon dioxide from industrial emissions and sequestering it in a mineralized form in 3D-printed building materials.
Researchers in the Oregon State University College of Science have developed a dual-purpose catalyst that purifies herbicide-tainted water while also producing hydrogen.
“We can only use red lights when we come down here. White light stresses the krill out at this time of year,” says Dr. Kim Bernard, biological oceanographer at Oregon State University. Having dreamt of working in Antarctica since she was a teenager, Dr. Bernard has now spent a total of 39 months in the coldest continent of our planet across several research expeditions.
Under observation: A weddell seal watches curiously from above as an OSU research team SCUBA dives under the sea ice in Antarctica, collecting samples from the seafloor. Research dive team: Andrew Thurber (PI), Rowan McLachlan (photo credit), Justin Smith and Lila Ardor Bellucci. We are accepting photo submissions at [email protected].
Timely Teaching Tips: Distributed practice and self-testing are effective strategies for spacing out learning and promoting long-term memory formation and retention. Share these strategies using the Academic Success Center’s Effective Test Prep page. Making time in class to talk about these two strategies, and giving students time to map out a study schedule can encourage planning in advance of finals.
FES defense: Susie Sidder will present her dissertation titled “Advancing visitor movement research in protected areas using movement ecology theory and methods,” at 10 a.m. March 3, PFSC 302 or Zoom. Sidder is earning her Ph.D. in forest ecosystems and society with Ashley D’Antonio and Troy Hall. Contact the FES Department at [email protected] for the Zoom link, or for accommodations for disabilities.
Winter Assessment workshop: Join the team from Assessment and Accreditation from 10-11 a.m. March 3 in Milam 215, to hear about engaging faculty in assessment conversations and coordinating assessment efforts across multiple location and modalities. For more information, contact [email protected]
Anthropology lecture series: The Sistema de Alerta Sísmica Mexicano is the world's oldest public earthquake early warning system. This talk by Elizabeth Reddy, author of the new book, “¡Alerta! Engineering on Shakey Ground” (forthcoming in 2023 MIT Press), draws on over a decade of ethnographic and archival research to analyze a Mexican effort to change relationships between the environment, society and technology. Noon, March 3 in Strand Ag 160. Also on Zoom.
Meat Center: The Clark Meat Science Center retail store will be open noon to 6 p.m. today. Products include fresh and cooked/smoked sausages, bacon, retail cuts, jerky and snack sticks. The store is at 3260 S.W. Campus Way, next to the Motor Pool. Contact [email protected] with questions.
OSUsed Store Public Sales: The OSUsed Store carries furniture, computers, household items, office supplies and more at 644 S.W. 13th St. Public sales are open to all shoppers noon to 3 p.m., today; details here. Staff may shop for their department Mondays through Thursdays, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; details here.
College of Public Health and Human Sciences research seminar: Sunil Khanna, professor, Robert and Sara Rothschild Endowed Chair in Global Health, College of Public Health and Human Sciences, will speak on “Sustainable Community Partnership and Empowerment (SCOPE): Promoting Health and Inclusive Change in Rural Botswana” from 1-2 p.m. March 3 in Hallie Ford 115 and online.
Applied Economics seminar: Melissa LoPalo from Montana State University will present "The Willingness to Pay for a Cooler Day: Evidence from 50 Years of Major League Baseball Games,” 2:30-4 p.m. March 3 in Ballard 219. Additional details available here.
Literary Northwest Reading Series: Jennifer Reimer, assistant professor of American studies and program coordinator for the low-residency MFA in creative writing program (OSU-Cascades), and Jeff Fearnside, instructor in the School of Writing, Literature and Film, will give a free reading and Q&A at 7:30 p.m. March 3 in the Valley Library rotunda. Open to all. More information.
The Oregon Trail: University Theatre and the Memorial Union present The Oregon Trail, by Bekah Brunstetter. It’s 1997 and a middle-schooler finds herself trapped in the computer lab, playing “The Oregon Trail” game. The game comes to life and juxtaposes the students’ modern struggles with those of her great-great grandmother, who traveled the Oregon Trail in a covered wagon in 1848. 7:30 p.m., March 2-3, and 2 p.m., March 5, in the Memorial Union Ballroom. Tickets are $15 GA, $12 youth/senior and $5 OSU students with ID. Available online or through the OSU Theatre Box Office at 541-737-2852.
SACNAS event: The Oregon State University Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) chapter is preparing for a SACNAS gathering and workshop. The annual conference is scheduled for Oct. 26-28 in Portland. A SACNAS workshop will be held 10 a.m.-5 p.m. March 4 in the Memorial Union 104 Journey Room. Lunch provided for all registered participants. Register now, space is limited. Contact [email protected] or [email protected] with questions.
Corvallis-OSU Symphony Winter Concert: Featuring a variety of works from Wagner, Mahler, Dvorak and more. 3 p.m. March 5, The LaSells Stewart Center. $35 online, $40 at the door. Complimentary K-8 student tickets available online, up to three K-8 tickets can be reserved with one paid adult ticket. Show student ID at door. High School and college students may pick up complimentary tickets at the box office one hour prior to concert. Tickets and more information at
NEW! Out of the Darkness: Register now for the annual Out of the Darkness campus walk. This year’s walk and activities take place 10 a.m.-1 p.m. April 15 in the SEC Plaza. Register at Visit the event Padlet at where you can read and/or submit messages of hope or in honor of lost loved ones. Half of the funds raised go directly to OSU for suicide prevention efforts, while the other half goes to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Questions? Email [email protected].
Register now for Open Education Week: Oregon State is on a mission to lower the cost of learning for students. You can join the efforts during Open Education Week from March 6-10. This annual celebration raises awareness of open educational resources and explores other important ways to make higher education more accessible and affordable to all. Sessions are hosted online. View the schedule of webinars and register today.
American Strings celebrates Women's History Month featuring Shannon McNally with Marilyn Jordan and Fiona Daly: Host Bob Santelli will talk to GRAMMY® nominated Americana musician Shannon McNally about her career and her experience navigating the many layers of the music business. Joining them will be grad student Marilyn Jordan and freshman Fiona Daley, both students in the College of Liberal Arts. 7:30 p.m. March 6 at the LaSells Stewart Center C&E Hall. Attendance limited to 200. $15 general admission, free to OSU students while seats last. Purchase tickets in advance at
Board of Trustees: The Oregon State University Board of Trustees will meet virtually from 1 to 2:30 p.m. March 7 to consider the vice chair position and potential candidates to recommend for appointment by Gov. Tina Kotek for anticipated at-large vacancies on the board. The meeting is open to the public by Zoom webinar: Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by noon March 3 to [email protected] or Stacy Jeffries at 541-737-3449.
Attend the Think Affordable Summit on March 7: Join 300+ of your OSU colleagues for a new event focused on college affordability. The morning will start with a panel discussion, hosted by Provost Edward Feser, featuring statewide legislative and higher education leaders. Following the panel, there will be a series of lightning presentations that highlight affordability initiatives happening across OSU. You’ll leave better equipped to support OSU students — and empowered to make a real impact on the cost of higher education. This event is at capacity for in-person attendance, but you can still register to join virtually.
Artist opening and reception for works by Sarah Logan and Lori Hepner: Sarah Logan’s ceramics and works on paper reference and abstract the marine environment in delicate and representational-but-not-transcriptive forms. Lori Hepner’s embodied, kinesthetic and often oceanic “light paintings” are derived from motion-capture devices she wears while performing such activities as standing on the deck of a ship or rowing a boat. Logan will discuss her work and Ashley Stull Meyers, chief curator in the Reser Center for the Creative Arts, will present an orientation to Hepner’s work. The event is at 5:15 p.m. March 7 at Gladys Valley Marine Science Center in Newport.
Oregon State Album Club: Fresh Cream, the 1966 debut studio album by the British rock band, Cream. The band and the album are historically significant on many levels, including that they were instrumental in launching the rock and roll "power trio" and were a big influence on the birth of jam and heavy metal rock. Find out more about the legacy of this album at the next installation of the OSU Album Club, 7 p.m. March 7 in MU1 13 (Multipurpose Room). Hosted by Bob Santelli with Colson Legras. Also available on Zoom. Register here for link to view.
Book Club: Join the Center for Teaching and Learning "Are You IN(clusive)? Read, Reflect, Reform” spring book club. The Read, Reflect, Reform book clubs use a blended format with two synchronous meetings (times set by the group, in person or remote) and asynchronous activities. Activities commence spring term 2023. Register now. March 17 deadline.
NEW! College of Engineering Faculty Lecture: Todd Palmer. “Pushing Particles – The Enduring Correlation between Monte Carlo Neutron Transport and High Performance Computing.” Noon to 1 p.m. March 7; virtual lecture, free and open to the public. Details and registration:
NEW! Center for Teaching and Learning: Participate in QT Chats that meets at noon March 7 in the LINC 468 faculty lounge. Join us for casual, safe conversations around pedagogical practices and sharing of tips and resources.
NEW! Learning from Failure: A 1,000 Year Family Tradition in Wood Furniture: Join the Center for Family Enterprise on March 8 via Zoom for our Family Business 360 event. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear from the Loe Family of Wood Castle Furniture, who will be discussing their experiences running the company, dealing with failures and adapting to changes within the industry. Register here.
NEW! Menstruation and reproductive panel: PERIOD at OSU is an organization working to help end period poverty and period stigma through advocacy, education and service. For Women’s History Month, they will host a health education panel in collaboration with ASOSU, featuring experts on menstrual, reproductive and sexual health. Come hear from Camille Mulchi, an experienced doula and certified childbirth educator; Teresa Ashford, HDFS instructor; and Missy Cheyney, a licensed midwife and medical anthropologist. 6 p.m. March 9, MU 206. RSVP by March 7:
Department of Horticulture seminar series: Join us for The Horticulture Winter 2023 seminar series at 4 p.m. March 6 in ALS 4001 or via Zoom. Hannah Velazquez, M.S. candidate, Department of Horticulture, will present, “Agriculture across borders: Challenges and lessons from field trials in the US and Japan.” The event is free and open to the public. More information at:
Course Design Bootcamp: Have you heard of the Course Design Institute? How about the Course Design Bootcamp? Join the Center for Teaching and Learning in a streamlined sequence of workshops and activities to learn backwards course design approaches to (re)develop your course. Two consecutive Friday afternoons, 2-5 p.m. March 17 and March 24, LINC 307. Space is limited. Register here.
Public Service Loan Forgiveness webinar: Human Resources is hosting a Public Service Loan Forgiveness webinar noon, March 9. Registration in advance is required at this link. Recent changes to the rules around PSLF mean that more people than ever are now eligible to receive months toward forgiveness. In this one-hour webinar, State of Oregon’s Student Loan Ombuds Lane Thompson will talk through the eligibility requirements for PSLF, as well as touching on other Federal cancellation and forgiveness options.
Fidelity on-campus consultations: Employees can meet with Justin Blatny, financial consultant from Fidelity, to discuss their financial goals and savings plans for retirement. There is no cost for these consultations and they are available to all employees no matter what stage you are at in your career. Appointments are available on OSU Corvallis campus March 15-16. Schedule online at or by phone at (800) 343-0860.
Principles of Vineyard Management course: Patty Skinkis, professor and Viticulture Extension Specialist in the Department of Horticulture at Oregon State University, is offering a course to the industry and public who wish to learn about commercial wine grape growing. The course is offered on campus and live online with recordings available for all lectures. The course runs from April 4 through June 8. Registration is open until March 31, but early registration rates end March 6. Click for more information.
NEW! 35 years of service: Congratulations to Hillary Egna, professor, for being honored for 35 years of service at OSU. You can read more about their time at OSU and others who have reached this milestone by clicking on their name.
Funded professional development for fixed-term and tenured/tenure-track faculty: Join CTL’s Spring 2023 Resilient Teaching Faculty Learning Community. This cross-disciplinary group will meet on Zoom and explore pedagogical strategies to adapt to the changing teaching and learning landscape and to build resilience into our teaching practices. See call for participation and submit an expression of interest by March 6.
Mid-Month Emergency Preparedness Topic: Medications: Disaster can strike at any time and without warning. By preparing in advance, you can make sure you will have the medications you need and one less thing to worry about in an emergency. More information can be found here:
Health and Safety: The University Health & Safety Committee wants to promote health and safety by providing a link to 12 months of safety tips from SAIF that can be used for departmental safety training monthly to keep safety in the forefront of your team. You can also access OSU’s University Health & Safety Committee online at, including past meeting minutes, information on how to contact a committee member, and a link to report safety concerns online.
New Employees: This virtual session is to orient new faculty and staff to the university. Join us to learn about the terms of your employment, employee benefits, retirement programs, and work-life resources. You will also be introduced to the Equal Opportunity & Access, Insurance Risk Management and University Ombuds teams. Union informational sessions for employees represented by Service Employees International Union and United Academics of Oregon State University are presented afterwards. Offered monthly. Registration is required. Visit the New Employee Orientation website to access orientation essentials, onboarding guides, and download a self-guided new employee orientation checklist. A checklist is also available for supervisors who are supervising new employees.
LinkedIn Learning: LinkedIn Learning is available to OSU faculty, staff, and students – for free! Leverage this online learning library to hone your soft skills and your technical and business acumen, and meet your learning and development goals. Use it to supplement your curricula. Curate content to support your programs and initiatives. Click here for step-by-step instructions for how to get started, and here for tips and tricks. Be sure to check out our curated collections and toolkit for supervisors too.
Training Portal: OSU employees, did you know you can find learning and development opportunities with the Training Portal? The OSU Training Portal is available to faculty and staff, and located in your dashboard, by clicking the “Training” tab in the top right corner. Discover and search for trainings, webinars, and more – all geared towards OSU employees. Bookmark so you can return to it often. Do you have an upcoming learning opportunity geared towards OSU employees? Reach out to [email protected] to learn how to add your event.
Notice of policy action: The university has two new policies: one on copyright and fair use determinations and one on displaying flags on university flagpoles. There are also important revisions to the policies on university housing and the acceptable use of computing resources. Want to know more? Check out and bookmark the “What’s New” section of the University Policy & Standards Manual.
2023 Environmental Writing Fellowship and Residency: Spring Creek Project, in partnership with the conservation nonprofit Oregon Wild, is accepting applications for a new year-long opportunity. The theme for this year's fellowship is Oregon's Climate Forests. Please feel free to share widely with writers who may be a good fit. Applications due by April 1. Writers can learn more and apply here.
This email only lists new or recently updated job postings. For a full list of current job postings for OSU Today, go to: To apply for the below positions, visit unless otherwise specified.
NEW! Proposal Manager – remote option – College of Engineering Research Administration. Would you like to help make cutting-edge research happen? Have you ever considered moving into research administration? If you have strong organizational and analytical skills and a touch of curiosity, this might be a great opportunity for you. Posting #P04050CT. Full consideration March 16. Closes March 30.
NEW! Student Accounts Payable Technician: Accounts Payable & Travel invites applications for a part-time (hourly), 12-month, Student Account Payable Technician position. Posting #P09526SE. Closes March 17.
NEW! Office Specialist 1: OSU Division of Extension and Engagement invites applications for an Office Specialist 1 position based at the OSU Extension Service Polk County office in Dallas. This is a part-time, intermittent (approximately 8 hours per week as needed), classified position starting at $15.59 hourly. *This is an internal employment opportunity.* Apply to posting #P04068CT. Closes March 8.
NEW! Biological Science Research Technician 2: College of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Microbiology invites applications for a part-time (0.49 FTE), 12-month, Biological Science Research Technician 2 position. The purpose of this position is to provide weekend support as a fish technician and to be an emergency responder (on call) over the weekends for an Oregon State University freshwater fish research facility, the Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL). The AAHL is pproximately 2 miles east of the Corvallis OSU Campus. Posting #P04052CT. Closes March 15.
“We lose ourselves in what we read, only to return to ourselves, transformed and part of a more expansive world" ~ Judith Butler
Corvallis: Rain and snow today, high of 45, low of 34. Rain and snow this weekend.
Central Oregon: Mostly sunny today, high of 38, low of 23. Chance of snow this weekend.
Newport: Rain today, high of 45, low of 34. Rain and snow this weekend.
Statewide: For OSU employees around the state, find your local forecast here: