Today in the News Media is a synopsis of some of the most prominent coverage of OSU people and programs. Inclusion of any item constitutes neither an endorsement nor a critique, but rather is intended only to make the OSU community aware of significant items in the media. For more about this section, see:
Larry O’Neill, professor at Oregon State University College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, told USA TODAY the heat wave was "absolutely out of the norm" from what he has seen in previous years, mostly for how long it has lasted. Extreme heat first reached the Portland area around July 5, according to the weather service, and an excessive heat warning remained in place until Tuesday night.
Cristina Eisenberg, an associate dean in the College of Forestry at Oregon State University and a Native American, is one of the report’s lead authors. “You don’t blend the two knowledge systems, because Indigenous knowledge is very different from Western science. They complement each other," Eisenberg said.
It's officially shark week! Research Associate from OSU's Big Fish Lab, Dr. Alexandra McInturf, helped us celebrate and appreciate these often-misunderstood creatures!
There are resources for Oregon food producers dealing with general stress, depression or anxiety, like the Agristress Helpline, but there has not been not much focus on the effect of climate change on the mental health of farmers, said Maud Powell, a farmer and professor of practice in small farms at Oregon State University.
Council Co-chair Susan Gardner, dean of the college of education at Oregon State University, pushed back. “If we don’t inherently trust that the (teacher colleges) are doing what they’re supposed to do, what was this entire process for?” Gardner said.
The new “wildfire hazard map,” set to debut in mid-to-late July, will not differ in substance too much from the previous map published in 2022, according to lead researcher Chris Dunn, an Oregon State University forestry professor and wildfire expert.
Information about the Pacific Northwest’s wide array of wildflowers is just a swipe away with a new mobile app designed in part by botanists at Oregon State University.
The survey, conducted by researchers at Oregon State University – Cascades and Oregon Health & Science University, also found that safety, relationships, and reciprocal, active participation are major drivers of belonging. Meanwhile, discrimination and economic and political divides were identified as barriers to community connectedness.
Leigh Torres and her team of scientists from Oregon State University perform field studies on the conveniently located whales. Fecal samples that Torres calls “biological gold” provide scientists with abundant data about the whales. Two important fecal findings suggest that whales generate higher levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, when they are subjected to noises like boat motors, and they ingest a lot of plastics, both big and small.
Faculty and staff in the Oregon State University Division of Extension and Engagement took home nine awards — including three gold — from the 2024 Critique & Awards program of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences. The OSU winners primarily were represented by the Extension Communications (EC) unit in the Division of Extension and Engagement.
An Oregon State University researcher, working with the software company Adobe, created a training technique for AI that can filter out some biases. The conversation can go way over our heads, but Eric Slyman keeps it down-to-Earth and understandable in his chat with the JX.
Oregon State University researcher Neil Shay says they’ve been testing mice to see how much raspberries impact things like weight gain … SHAY … “These mice are quite interesting because if you just feed them a regular mouse-chow diet, it’s low fat, about 10% fat, and the mice eat normally and maintain a normal body weight throughout their lifespan, but if you give these same mice a high-fat diet they tend to over-consume and they become obese and start to get diabetes and fatty liver disease.” Shay puts raspberries in the category with other ‘power foods’ that have been shown, even in small doses, to improve metabolism.
The installation of power and data cables at Oregon State University’s PacWave South, the first pre-permitted, utility-scale, grid-connected wave energy test site in the United States, is set to begin later in July. (see also KLCC)
Waking up: Kelly Jones, administrative program assistant with the Access Lock & Key Shop, is a new employee, and wanted to submit a photo to OSU Today. She says, “I call this one 'Waking Up.' I took it while on an early morning hike at Bald Hill.”
Saguaro: End-of-spring 2024 flowering for a Saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea) and Foothill Palo Verde (Parkinsonia microphylla) shrubs/trees in the Sonoran Desert, Tucson Mountain Park, west of Tucson, AZ. Photo: May 23 by Leon Liegel, courtesy faculty/instructor, OSU-Corvallis Crop and Soil Science Dept. We are accepting photo submissions at [email protected]. To view past submissions, visit us on Instagram at @osutoday1.
NEW! Timely Teaching Tips: In what ways can gratitude play a positive role in teaching and learning? See The Role of Gratitude in Resilient Teaching by Ashley D’Antonio, associate professor in the College of Forestry, and Gratitude and Gourds by Julie Jacobs, Ecampus instructional designer, for teaching strategies and the research supporting gratitude interventions.
OSU Oak Creek Center for Urban Horticulture Open House: Learn about honeybee hives, dry-farming vegetables, the Beaver Classic organic produce CSA program and student-led projects; talk with OSU Extension Master Gardeners and more. Family-friendly and open to the community. Bring a water bottle and a sun hat. Walking surface is uneven grass or gravel. 11 a.m.-1 p.m., July 15. Directions and more information.
NEW! TIAA on-campus consultations: Employees can meet with Andrew “AJ” Martinez, financial consultant from TIAA, to discuss your financial goals and savings plans for retirement. There is no cost for these consultations and they are available to all employees no matter where you are in your career. Appointments are available on OSU Corvallis campus July 16. Schedule online at or by phone at (503) 265-3905.
Food preservation workshops: The OSU Extension Master Food Preservers are offering two food preservation workshops during the week of July 15. Come join us to learn more about safe methods in fun, hands-on sessions. 9 a.m. to noon, July 16: "Low Sugar Jams," $20; register by July 14. 10-11:30 a.m., July 18: "Flavored Oils and Vinegars," $15; register by July 16. For more information and the registration link see
OSUsed Store Public Sales: The OSUsed Store carries furniture, computers, household items, office supplies and more at 644 SW 13th St. Public sales are open to all shoppers this Tuesday, 5:30-7:30 p.m. and Friday, noon to 3 p.m.; details here. Staff may shop for their department Mondays through Thursdays, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; details here.
NEW! "The Weather Underground" [film screening]: Join us for a summer film and discussion series "From Politics to Protest." The fourth film, "The Weather Underground" (2010), takes up the frustrations of the 1960s New Left with the inability to transform society in light of the Nixon presidency and the continuation of the Vietnam War. For accommodations or for more information, contact [email protected]. The event is from 6-8 p.m., July 16 in Room 112 in the Strand Hall.
The Crisis in Scientific Publishing: Can scientific journals continue in their present form? A National Science Policy Network panel that includes Oregon State’s Kate Lajtha will take place at 10:30 a.m., July 17 on Zoom at Discussion will focus on issues facing academic publishing.
NWREC open house: The Community Open House at the North Willamette Research and Extension Center, at 15210 NE Miley Rd., Aurora, takes place 4-7 p.m., July 17. Faculty and staff from NWREC will be on hand with displays and demonstrations explaining their work with hazelnuts, fruit trees, berry crops, vegetable and specialty seed production, Christmas trees, nursery and greenhouse production, nursery pathology, pest management, small-scale farming, olives and agrivoltaics. Free and open to the public. For more information see NWREC’s website at
NEW! HMSC Research Seminar: Will White, an associate professor with the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences, Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station at Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center will be giving a seminar titled “Climate Resilience and the Adaptive Management of Marine Protected Areas,” at 3:30 p.m., July 18. In person at the HMSC Carmen Ford Phillips Auditorium in the Gladys Valley Marine Studies Building or online. Zoom link or call +1-971-247-1195 Meeting ID: 971 3707 8566. Click here for more information.
OSUsed Store Public Sales: The OSUsed Store carries furniture, computers, household items, office supplies and more at 644 SW 13th St. Public sales are open to all shoppers this Tuesday, 5:30-7:30 p.m. and Friday, noon to 3 p.m.; details here. Staff may shop for their department Mondays through Thursdays, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; details here.
NEW! The Corvallis Folklore Society and PRAx Present: Rakish at 7:30 p.m., July 26 in Detrick Hall. In a performance that toes the line between concert and session music, the Boston-based duo explores songs from Irish and American folk traditions that reflect traditional tunes and chamber music. Tickets $25; students $5. Tickets here.
NEW! Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue: Learn skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional or risky topics. Discover how to speak and be heard (and how to encourage others to do the same), surface the best ideas, make the highest-quality decisions and act on your decisions with unity and commitment. View dates for summer and fall 2024 in-person and Zoom courses here.
FourSight Mindset Reveal Workshop: How do you approach a challenge? FourSight Mindset Reveal is a new workshop presented by the Office of University Human Resources that dives deep into the way that we solve problems together. This engaging workshop helps people learn more about their own mindset, learn appreciation for how colleagues work, and together be able create a stronger team environment and reach more creative solutions. View upcoming workshops and enroll here.
LinkedIn Learning: LinkedIn Learning is available to OSU faculty, staff, and students – for free. Leverage this online learning library to hone your soft skills and technical and business acumen, and to meet your learning and development goals. Use it to supplement your curricula. Curate content to support your programs and initiatives. Click here for step-by-step instructions for how to get started, and here for tips and tricks. Be sure to check out our curated collections and toolkit for supervisors too.
Training portal: The OSU Training Portal is available to faculty and staff and located in your dashboard, by clicking the “Training” tab in the top right corner. Discover and search for trainings, webinars, and more – all geared towards OSU employees. Bookmark so you can return to it often. Do you have an upcoming learning opportunity geared towards OSU employees? Reach out to [email protected] to learn how to add your event to the Training Portal.
Going Deep: A Retreat for Exploring Authenticity, Purpose, and Interbeing. We invite you to look within for clarity and inspiration using specific contemplative practices and to craft a map for your authentic journey at this moment in your life. Urban retreat held at Marigold, July 26-28, guided by Joseph Bailey. Sliding scale $100-$200; register here or apply for student scholarship. Contact us.
Expressive Art Experience: Join us for a full-body contemplative art experience from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 4 at Marigold. Led by expressive art facilitator, mental health therapist and award-winning artist Arooj Chaudhry. Integrate principles and practices from the Sufi contemplative tradition; art supplies provided and participants take home their expressive artwork. $120 community; $110 educators; student scholarships available. Register here or contact us.
Cultivating Emotional Balance Workshop: In this two-weekend, retreat-style workshop with Jacob Lindsley and Lani Potts, we discover wise aspirations and values, learn how to develop our attention skills, and then cultivate emotional balance leading to genuine happiness and a fulfilling life. Weekends at Marigold Aug. 9-11 and Aug. 16-18. Registration open: $400 community members; $350 educators; student scholarships available. Contact us.
NEW! Volunteers wanted for blackberry study (Corvallis): Seeking volunteers age 55 years and older who are not currently eating more than 2 cups of berries per week, do not have memory or learning disorders and do not take medications that affect focus and concentration. Volunteers will consume freeze-dried blackberry powder daily for 12 weeks and will receive $100. Title: Impact of Oregon Blackberries on Cognition and the Gut Microbiome. Principle Investigator: Kathy Magnusson. For more info and to see if you qualify: Contact: [email protected] 541-737-3594.
NEW! Turpin presented award for outstanding work: Lucas Turpin, executive director of digital extension and inclusion at Oregon State University, was presented with the prestigious Hugi Award for Exemplary Practice from NWACC. The Hugi Award Program recognizes individuals or groups in NWACC whose outstanding work in technology leadership, innovation, deployment or support has provided substantial benefit for their institution and potentially other NWACC institutions. Turpin was nominated for his work in deploying technology to increase digital equity across the state of Oregon while elevating OSU’s research enterprise and opportunities for lifelong learning.
NEW! FYI Friday presentation proposals for Winter 2025: Does your unit have a new or existing service, process, system, policy or research you want to share with the campus community? Consider FYI Friday as your venue. FYI Friday is a program where campus partners are invited to present what they’re working on to a broad audience of professional faculty, academic faculty and classified staff. Learn more about the requirements and application process. For more information contact [email protected].
NEW! Policy updates: Controller’s Unit policies for Personal Reimbursements and University Credit Cards have been updated. Please see the Controller’s Unit Policy Program website for more information and contact the Policy Steward listed on each policy with any questions.
UPDATED! Online preparedness training: From the comfort of your desk, increase your emergency preparedness knowledge through OSU’s Bridge training management system. We offer short training sessions on many topics: active shooter response, earthquake/tsunami, fire preparedness and more. Take a few minutes to view the videos and join the DAM Ready movement.
Policy updates: Controller’s Unit policy for University Credit Cards has been updated. Please see the Controller’s Unit Policy Program website for more information and contact the Policy Steward listed on each policy with any questions.
Revised 4-part Social Justice Education Initiative Tier One Platform: Introducing a freshly revised SJEI Tier One Platform series; all sessions are three hours or less. Join your colleagues to explore equity and inclusion from a unique, community-building perspective. Open to all faculty, staff and graduate students at OSU. Learn more, see the schedule and register for remote Tier One Platform and Tier Two Next Level workshops here. Interested in professional development for your unit? Contact SJEI director Jane Waite: [email protected].
Monthly Emergency Preparedness Topic: Power Outages. Extended power outages may impact the whole community and the economy. A power outage is when the electrical power goes out unexpectedly. Will you be a light in the darkness? English and Spanish versions of this bulletin can be found here:
OSU Emergency Management Disaster App: HazAdapt. Join others in the OSU community that have prepared for emergencies with HazAdapt. Access resources, tips, and emergency information tailored for our campus. Web and phone app accessible. Built by Beavers for Beavers. Go to HazAdapt at
Steer Clear of Construction: Summer is construction season on the Corvallis campus. Please navigate around construction areas and follow signage to ensure safety for you and the people working in the area. Need advice on getting around campus? Contact [email protected] for assistance and follow the Campus Closures blog for the latest information on closures, detours and shutdowns.
Search Advocate training: OSU Search Advocates comprise a community of trained content-neutral external process advisors who work with search committees to advance equity, validity and diversity through the search and selection process. Registration for the July-September 2024 Search Advocate Foundations workshops is now open. View the series schedule here: Search Advocates Workshops. Contact Anne Gillies at [email protected] with questions.
Meditation Research Study: The OSU Edwards Social Cognition Lab in the School of Psychological Science is looking for volunteers to take a self-guided, online meditation course for eight weeks and complete some research tasks for a study. The project offers $60 Amazon gift cards for completing the course and tasks. For more information or to sign up, visit:
Automated Driving System research: The School of Civil and Construction Engineering and the School of Psychological Science are seeking paid volunteers for research studies. The purpose of this research study is to make Automated Driving System (ADS) vehicles safer for pedestrians with disabilities. To participate in one of the studies, you must identify as having a visual, hearing and/or mobility disability(s) and be at least 18 years old. Volunteers must commit 60 minutes to the research and will wear either a VR headset or a lightweight wearable device. To participate, email Lena Breuer at [email protected] or call or text at 803-457-6630
This email only lists new or recently updated job postings. For a full list of current job postings for OSU Today, go to: To apply for the below positions, visit unless otherwise specified.
EXTENDED! The Division of Extension and Engagement invites applications for an Education Program Assistant 1 position based at the OSU Extension Service Wheeler County Office in Fossil. This is a 12-month, part-time, intermittent (approximately 10 hours per week as needed), classified position starting at $18.57 hourly. This EPA assists with the development, implementation, and evaluation of general agricultural programming for Wheeler County. Posting #P04882CT. Closes July 18.
NEW! The Division of Extension and Engagement’s Partnerships Unit invites applications for a Native American & Tribal Programs Education Program Assistant 2 position. This part-time, intermittent (approximately 10 hours per week as needed), classified position starts at $20.15 hourly. This position is based in Corvallis with the potential for a flexible work arrangement. Posting #P04901CT. Closes July 19.
NEW! OSU Division of Extension and Engagement’s Extension Family and Community Health (FCH) program invites applications for a Bilingual (English and Spanish) Education Program Assistant 2 position based at the OSU Extension Service Marion County Office in Salem. This is a 12-month, full-time, classified position starting at $20.15 hourly + bilingual differential pay and benefits. This EPA 2 position is part of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – Education (SNAP-Ed) Program and serves Marion County. Posting #P04893CT. Closes July 23.
NEW! The Division of Extension and Engagement’s Partnerships Unit invites applications for an Open Campus & Juntos Coordinator position. This is a full-time, 12-month, professional faculty position based at the Extension Service Lane County office in Eugene. This position will serve the Southern Willamette region of Oregon (Linn, Lane, and Benton counties) and requires bilingual, bicultural, bi-literate (English and Spanish) skills. Posting #P08275UF. Closes Aug. 2.
NEW! Coordinator, Customer Service & Administrative Support: OSU Alumni Association invites applications for a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, Coordinator, Customer Service & Administrative Support position. To apply: Career Opportunities (
NEW! Coordinator, Marketing: OSU Foundation invites applications for a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, Coordinator, Marketing position in Corvallis, Oregon. To apply: Career Opportunities (
NEW! Event Coordinator: CH2M HILL Alumni Center invites applications for a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, Event Coordinator position. To apply: Career Opportunities (
35th and Campus Way: The City of Corvallis and OSU are collaborating on a project to improve the pedestrian crossing at SW 35th Street and SW Campus Way. This work will begin on Monday, June 24 and continue throughout the summer. Starting Monday, traffic cones and signage will be in place to direct vehicles through the work zone. There will be intermittent closures of the bike lanes and bicyclists will be directed to ride with traffic as needed. Four city parking spaces will be removed on the northeast side of the intersection to accommodate a new pedestrian crossing island. A full closure of the intersection is currently scheduled for July 22-Aug. 2.
Weatherford: Construction activity related to the Weatherford A-wing Remodel project will occasionally impact areas outside the building through Aug. 30. Expected impacts include intermittent closure of the walkway on the west side of Weatherford Hall and partial closure of the bike parking area on the south side of SW Intramural Lane, across the street from Weatherford. These closures are needed for demo waste removal and materials staging.
“Struggle is a never-ending process. Freedom is never really won, you earn it and win it in every generation.” ~ Coretta Scott King
Corvallis: Sunny and clear with highs in the high 80s to mid-90s, topping out at 95 on Tuesday. Lows in the 50s at night.
Central Oregon: Sunny with highs in the mid-90s; chance of showers and thunderstorms Tuesday night. Lows in the 50s at night.
Newport: Mix of sunny and cloudy throughout the week, with highs around 70 and lows in the 50s. Chance of showers and thunderstorms Tuesday night.
Statewide: For OSU employees around the state, find your local forecast here: