Today in the News Media

Today in the News Media is a synopsis of some of the most prominent coverage of OSU people and programs. Inclusion of any item constitutes neither an endorsement nor a critique, but rather is intended only to make the OSU community aware of significant items in the media. For more about this section, see:


A new OSU research is fixated on commercial crabbing injuries and solutions (KGW)

Oregon’s commercial crabbing season well underway and deckhands are pulling heavy crab pots every day. But as they do, they are often paying a price with back and shoulder injuries. Now Oregon State University researchers are working with commercial fishers to lessen the problem.


Need to keep your picnic cool? Try mushrooms instead of dry ice (Science)

“It’s kind of a neat finding,” says Christopher Still, an ecophysiologist at Oregon State University who was not involved with the work. Mostly for fun, the team even built a picnic cooler powered by mushrooms.

Oregon State University hosts annual Pet Day event (KCBY)

In Corvallis, Oregon State University’s College Of Veterinary Medicine hosted its Pet Day event, welcoming community members to tour the Lois Bates Acheson Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Participants learned about various animals and took part in activities like the pet costume contest.


Safeguarding rangeland through a cooperative effort remain key goal for local extension agent (Malheur Enterprise)

Sergio Arispe, OSU extension agent, studies the impacts of wildfire and ways to mitigate them in his work with local rangelands.

Scientists just made a massive breakthrough on an alternative to lithium-ion batteries: 'These batteries are essential' (MSN)

According to Tech Xplore, this new project, led by Xiulei “David” Ji of Oregon State University, offers yet another alternative to lithium-ion batteries: accessible, efficient zinc metal batteries.

OSU Extension research helps wheat growers fight serious stripe rust disease (Farms)

To help find the right solution, Oregon State University Extension Service and research faculty in Morrow and Umatilla counties are working with growers and looking at the effectiveness of new fungicides. In Umatilla County, Christina Hagerty, OSU dryland cereal pathologist and associate professor in the OSU College of Agricultural Sciences, researches the new formulations coming out every year and reports her findings to farmers who are making complicated decisions. Data are published annually through the American Phytopathological Society, Plant Disease Management Reports.

What's a sustainable, low-maintenance lawn with a tidy-ish look? Ask an expert (Oregonian)

Spring this year has been off-and-on, then off again. Even so, you may have a have a question. Simply go to the OSU Extension website, type it in and include the county where you live. A photo is very helpful.

Sweet violet? Is it a weed or wonderful? Ask an expert (Oregonian)

Because wild violets have pretty flowers that bloom early and often, not everyone regards this plant as a weed. Many homeowners choose to let these wildflowers grow in their lawns and elsewhere.

Today's photo

Droplets: University Distinguished Professor Emeritus Dudley Chelton says, “Even the annual spring ritual of oiling the wooden back deck can reveal wonders of nature. The fresh coat of oil resulted in these fractal-like patterns in water droplets of varying sizes following an afternoon rain shower.” We are accepting photo submissions at [email protected].

NEW! Timely Teaching Tips: Assigning writing projects for the second half of the term? If so, this is a great time to remind students about support available through the Writing Center. Students and project groups can have consultations in person or via Zoom, and can get written feedback via email. Check out a range of faculty resources from the Writing Center.


Merit increase talk: Supervisors of academic and professional faculty are invited to join University Human Resources to learn more about "How to Communicate Academic and Professional Faculty Merit Increases." This year’s faculty merit decision-making timeline will also be discussed. Two one-hour opportunities are available: 10 a.m, May 8 and 3 p.m., May 9.

Blood drive: The American Red Cross will be doing a blood drive from 11 a.m.-4 p.m., May 8-11 in the MU basement. You can make online appointments here

Disability-Related Psychology Ph.D. Defense: Emily F. Plackowski will present her dissertation, “’You should always be willing to listen and change’: Using Brief Indirect Contact Interventions to Impact University Students’ Ableism and Related Constructs and Conceptualizations,” 2 p.m., May 8, via Zoom. Make accommodation requests by May 3 to Plackowski’s mentor, Kathleen Bogart ([email protected], 541-737-1357). Zoom URL:

Emerging Sociological Issues in Family and Sport: Steven Ortiz, School of Public Policy, will discuss his new project collecting international research in family studies and the sociology of sport on issues like support for female and LGBTIQ+ athletes, the impact on young athletes of over-involved parents and family factors in athletes’ physical and mental health. 4:30 p.m., May 8 via Zoom. Register here to attend.

Prism Launch Party: Come to the SEC Plaza between 5-7 p.m., May 8 to celebrate students who are getting their art published in the Prism Art & Literary Journal this year. Meet featured student artists, munch on free food (popcorn, churros and mini corn dogs), shop with our student vendors, play games, get exclusive access to the journal before it’s released and more.

"Who is Planned Parenthood?” talk: Mayra Rodriguez will be speaking about her 17 years of employment with Planned Parenthood, and why she left the industry for good. Rodriguez will be speaking at The LaSells Stewart Center at 6 p.m. May 8 in the Construction and Engineering Hall. This event is sponsored by the Students for Life at OSU.


NEW! OSU Employee Parent Connections: Tuesdays from 1-2 p.m. during spring term. An opportunity for OSU’s parenting employees to come together through Zoom and talk about anything related to parenting and working. Share resources with each other, ask questions of each other, celebrate milestones, share successes and challenges and more. Email Kristi King, [email protected] with the Family Resource Center if you would like the Zoom link.

NEW! OSU Album Club: "Let It Be" by The Beatles. Hosted by Bob Santelli, Album Club is like a book club, only we listen to and discuss some of the greatest albums of all time. Join us at 7 p.m. May 10 in MU 206, or, register to participate via Zoom. Free, open to all.

NEW! Fisheries and Wildlife reunion: Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences invites you to join us for our Alumni and Friends Reunion Weekend, May 19-21. Join us as we celebrate 88 years of influential and amazing work in conservation biology and fish and wildlife resource management. See the full schedule and register here: You can also connect remotely via Zoom for the Big Idea Brunch on Sunday. Contact Amanda Polley ([email protected]) for the link.

NEW! The 44th Annual Klatowa Ina Pow-Wow: Join us on Saturday, May 20, at Gill Coliseum, for a free community event celebrating Indigenous culture and heritage, presented by the Native American Student Association and Kaku-Ixt Mana Ina Haws in collaboration with the Division of Student Affairs and university partners. Doors open at noon. Grand entry is at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. Enjoy Indigenous performers' vibrant and colorful display of traditional dance, music and singing, plus a bustling marketplace offering authentic Native American crafts. 

Ag & Natural Resources Day: The College of Agricultural Sciences Club Leadership Team is hosting Ag & Natural Resources Day on the Memorial Union Quad and SEC Plaza from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.,  May 9. Come join us for free BBQ (vegetarian options available) and ice cream, live music, animals, club booths, tractors and more. 

Beaver Baseball tailgater in Portland: Join fellow alumni and fans to cheer on OSU baseball against the UP Pilots at Ron Tonkin Field in Portland. Join the pregame tailgater from 4:30-6 p.m, May 9 and enjoy food, drinks and mingling before the first pitch. Game ticket required for entry. Register:

Michael Joseph O’Malley Scholarship Endowment and dedication: Join Mike’s friends and family in celebrating the first annual endowed scholarship and the dedication of an Irish rose planted in his name. College of Education, Furman Hall (in the courtyard), 200 SW 15th St. Event begins at 4:30 p.m. May 11. RSVP by May 9 to [email protected] or 541-737-1816.

Spring Bike Challenge, May 1-31, 2023, Corvallis Campus: May is National Bike Month. It’s not too late to celebrate by joining the annual Spring Bike Challenge. Teams ride in a friendly campus-wide competition to see who can bike the most days in May. The last day to register is May 12. You can find details and registration information on the Spring Bike Challenge webpage, or email [email protected] with questions. 

Bigleaf Maple Festival: Come try bigleaf maple syrup and learn how to tap at the Bigleaf Maple Festival in May. Oregon State University is hosting Oregon’s first ever Bigleaf Maple Festival at the 4-H Center in West Salem from 11:30 a.m.-6 p.m. May 13. Food, music and all things maple. Visit for details and tickets.

Lectures, Workshops, Webinars

NEW! Letting Go and Giving Back: Please join the Center for Family Enterprise at 8:30 a.m, May 10 via Zoom for our Family Business 360 event. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear from Susan Sokol Blosser, former president and founder of Sokol Blosser Winery, who will be sharing how she made the decision to pass the business along to her children at the height of her career in order to focus on other ways that she could impact her community for good. Register here.

NEW! Travel Talks — D-Day: Join the OSUAA Group Travel Program for a Travel Talk at 5:30 p.m., May 10 with Paul Wanke, senior instructor in the School of History, Philosophy and Religion, as he explores the history of D-Day and how the Allied invasion of Normandy, France, turned the tide of World War II. Register today at

NEW! Public Seed Library 'Growing a Vegetable Garden' Lecture Series: "Weather Wise Gardening: Understanding local microclimate, using weather forecasts and historical climate data in garden planning and decision-making" will be presented by local seed expert Mark Luterra from 6-7 p.m., May 10 at the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library's Meeting Room. Learn how to adapt your gardening practices to the weather at hand. Learn more at

NEW! Changemakers: A Conversation with Amber Coyne. Join CPHHS graduate Amber Coyne, MPH ’15, 5:30-6:30 p.m., June 1 to learn about how her roots in public health and special interests in LGBTQ+ health equity, harm reduction and language justice propel her to find innovative ways to address public health risks and keep our most vulnerable populations safe. Register at  

NEW! Gerontology conference: The 47th annual OSU Gerontology Conference will be held on Friday, June 2 at CH2M HILL Alumni Center. The conference provides contemporary and applicable gerontological education from a variety of disciplines and perspectives across the nation and world. There are 15 speakers this year and the keynote speakers are Rawle Andrews Jr., executive director of the American Psychiatric Association, who will discuss mental health; and Larry S. Sherman, OHSU, who will discuss music and the aging brain. CEUs are available. Learn more and register at’s "From Just Coping to Creating Joy": It’s no secret that people have experienced higher levels of burnout than ever before and most of the general discourse on this topic is about coping mechanisms. But what if we could shift beyond merely coping to actively creating joyful experiences and moments, no matter what is going on around us? Yes, it’s possible. Letisha Bereola is back to teach us how. 9 a.m., May 9. Register here.

Care Talks, "Raising Children with Disabilities: The Importance of Self-Care for Parents." This webinar covers basic wellness, time management, getting support from professionals and finding child care resources to give you needed time for rejuvenation. 10 a.m., May 9. Register today.

START plans: Office of Student Orientation will host two information sessions to bring the campus community into the START plans for summer 2023. Both sessions will contain the same content, including the structure of START, what university partners can expect and how to learn more about what is happening with START. 2 p.m., May 9, via Zoom:

Public Health Insider — "A Breath of Fresh Air": Join a webcast with CPHHS faculty 5:30 p.m., May 9, to learn what steps you can take for a healthier household and how the college’s new ASPᶟIRE Center is working to reduce harmful environmental exposures where children live, play and go to school. Register for Public Health Insider at

Faculty Drop-in Discussion: "The Impact of Generative AI on Education." Curious about ChatGPT? Join CTL and UIT-Academic Technologies in conversations around ChatGPT and generative AI. Bring your questions and ideas as we explore together. 11-11:45 a.m., May 11 on Zoom (OSU login required). Check out the CTL events calendar to see more drop-in sessions. Questions? ⁠Contact CTL.

OSU’s New Beginnings for Tribal Students presents Cultural Awareness and Mentor Training Series 2023: "Tribal History Shared History: Essential Understandings of Native Americans in Oregon" with Angie Morrill, 2-4 p.m. May 9. "Cultivating Safe Spaces in Education," 2-4:30 p.m., May 25, an interactive facilitated workshop with Jen Greenway. Open to faculty; students encouraged to attend. Info at

The Secret War: Untold Stories:  Listen to a panel of speakers share their untold stories from “The Secret War” that occurred in Southeast Asia, and  explore the art collected by refugees as well s an interactive art piece  for participants. Dinner will be provided. 6-8 p.m., May 10, MU Horizon Room.

Fidelity, TIAA, OSGP(Voya) on campus consultations: Fidelity, TIAA and OSGP(Voya) advisors are available at no cost to you as a part of your retirement plan. Fidelity representative Justin Blatny will be available on campus May 10-11 for one-on-one appointments. Register at or by emailing [email protected]. TIAA representative AJ Martinez, CFP, will be available on campus May 16-18 for one-on-one appointments. Register at or by emailing [email protected]. OSGP (Voya) representative Charles Yu will be available on campus May 26 and June 27 for one-on-one appointments. Register at or by emailing [email protected].

First annual OSU Engagement conference: Save the date for this inaugural Engagement conference Sept. 5-6, to be held at the CH2M Hill Alumni Center. This event is developed to increase awareness of engagement and engaged scholarship efforts across the university, while providing opportunities for recognition, learning, networking and idea generation. More information will be available at closer to the date. Hosted by the Office of the Provost and the Division of Extension  Engagement. Contact Marina Denny to discuss being a presenter at this year’s conference.

FourSight Mindset Reveal Workshop: How do you approach a challenge? FourSight Mindset Reveal is a new workshop presented by University Human Resources that dives deep into the way that we solve problems together. The workshop helps people learn more about their own mindset, learn appreciation for how colleagues work, and together be able create a stronger team environment and reach more creative solutions. View upcoming workshops and enroll here. $40 covers materials. Contact [email protected] for information about scheduling an intact group workshop.

Take Note

Online learning podcast: Tune in to the new podcast, “Going Online with Oregon State University Ecampus,” which highlights support resources and tools for online learners everywhere. Topics include academic advising, connecting with faculty, success coaching and answers to common questions about the online learning experience. 

Robotic Sound research study: The Oregon State University Department of Mechanical Engineering is conducting a research study to better understand how people interact with robots that sound different. The study lasts for about 45 minutes. The full study title is “Evaluating Sonification for Interactive Robots” and the principal investigator is Prof. Naomi Fitter. Please contact Nnamdi Nwagwu at [email protected] to sign up.

Diversity research publications: Submit diversity research publications and RSVP for the OSU Diversity Research Reception. Noon to 1 p.m. May 17, MU Horizon Room; and Cascades (streaming) Obsidian Hall, 207. Submit publication and RSVP here. The reception will highlight and celebrate the contributions of OSU researchers advancing equity through scholarship and engagement, and provide a forum for sharing ideas, making connections and building collaborations for future research. Food and refreshments will be served at the Corvallis and Cascades campuses.

UHR Learning & Development is now accepting FYI Friday presentation proposals for Fall 2022: Does your unit have a new or existing service, process, system, policy or research you want to share with the campus community? Consider FYI Friday as your venue. FYI Friday is a program where campus partners are invited to present what they’re working on to a broad audience of professional faculty, academic faculty and classified staff – presentations can be anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours in length; it’s up to you. Learn more about the requirements and application process. Contact [email protected] with any questions.

OSU Health and Safety Committee: The University Health and Safety Committee would like to invite campus members interested in health and safety to attend our open meetings, held semi-annually in May and October. Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 2:30-4 p.m. Anyone can access OSU’s University Health & Safety Committee online at, including past meeting minutes, information on how to contact a committee member and a web link to report safety concerns. Contact Dan Kermoyan at [email protected] to RSVP and request the meeting location/Zoom link.

Cat Training Project for Children with Developmental Disabilities: We are currently recruiting children ages 10-12 years old and their family cats to participate in a cat-training animal-assisted intervention research project next quarter. Please visit our website for more information or contact Saethra Darling at [email protected].


This email only lists new or recently updated job postings. For a full list of current job postings for OSU Today, go to: To apply for the below positions, visit unless otherwise specified.

NEW! Sous Chef: University Housing & Dining Services (UHDS) invites applications for a Sous Chef position. This is a full-time, 12-month, fixed term, professional faculty position, with reappointment at the discretion of the director. Posting #P06826UF. Closes May 22.

NEW! The Office of the Dean of Students is seeking applicants for an Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Student Conduct & Community Standards. Posting #P06814UF. Closes May 29.

NEW! Box Office and Guest Experience Manager: The Patricia Valian Reser Center for the Creative Arts invites applications for a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, professional faculty position. Posting #P06828UF. Full consideration May 31. Closes June 5. Contact [email protected] for more information.

NEW! Education and Volunteer Programs Manager: The Patricia Valian Reser Center for the Creative Arts invites applications for a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, professional faculty position. Posting # P06827UF. Full consideration May 31. Closes June 5. Contact [email protected] for more information.

NEW! Sound Engineer / Audio Video Manager: The Patricia Valian Reser Center for the Creative Arts invites applications for a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, professional faculty position. Posting #P06812UF. Full consideration May 31. Closes June 24. Contact [email protected] for more information.

NEW! The College of Engineering is seeking an Events Manager. This is a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, professional faculty position. The Event Manager organizes and oversees logistics for in-person and virtual programming, including major events in the College of Engineering. The role will implement programs to support strategic external relations priorities, including alumni and donor relations, undergraduate and graduate student recruitment, industry relations and corporate engagement, and college reputation building. Posting #P06833UF. Full consideration June 6. Closes June 27.


“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Corvallis: Rain today, high of 50, low of 41. Mostly sunny Tuesday.

Central Oregon: Showers today, high of 52, low of 35. Partly sunny tomorrow.

Newport: Rain likely today, high of 55, low of 41. Mostly sunny Tuesday.

Statewide: For OSU employees around the state, find your local forecast here: