Today in the News Media is a synopsis of some of the most prominent coverage of OSU people and programs. Inclusion of any item constitutes neither an endorsement nor a critique, but rather is intended only to make the OSU community aware of significant items in the media. For more about this section, see:
Researchers at Oregon State University recently published a study showing that the use of a metal bar placed at a certain height on a commercial fishing vessel can significantly reduce repetitive motion injuries sustained by deckhands during the Dungeness crabbing season. It’s one example of how the Fishermen Led Injury Prevention Program, which was launched at OSU nearly a decade ago, is helping fishermen reduce injuries in an industry where hazards abound, from falls on a slippery deck to vessel disasters on the high seas.
John Bailey, an Oregon State University professor who studies fire behavior and management, analyzed the spread of the Beachie Creek Fire on Labor Day and testified that there was no way the main fire or any embers from it would have reached Gates or Mill City until hours after fires ignited there.
KBND News reached out to Andony Melathopoulos, Associate Professor in the Department of Horticulture at Oregon State University, and a pollinator health expert. He sent this statement, “Localized downturns in wild and natural bee populations happen and hard to predict. In general, in Oregon we had a slow start with many of our bee species but things are really picking up with some heat. A season like this one can be hard on early season crops that need pollination, because now the heat has started the bloom will go fast and the bees may not be able to catch up in time. In general, growers supplement their crops with honey bees to buffer the invariable ups and downs with wild bee pollination.”
This month – six years after Watari wrote that first note -- Oregon State University Press debuts the book inspired by his find, “They Never Asked - Senryu Poetry from the WWII Portland Assembly Center.”
Experts say the results of special district elections can have immediate effects. “Those people elected to those positions make some very important positions that impact the citizens out there on a more day to day basis,” said OSU-Cascades political science professor Judy Stiegler.
An icon in Oregon’s agriculture industry has died. For 34 years, Bernadine Strik did groundbreaking work in the field of horticulture, as both a professor in the Department of Horticulture at Oregon State University and as the lead horticulturist for a one-of-a-kind cooperative berry breeding program.
OSU researchers working to create a more just and equitable world: On Wednesday, nearly 100 people gathered in the Memorial Union for an event highlighting and celebrating the research at OSU promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. The 2023 Diversity Research Reception honored a number of researchers whose recent work focused on topics related to equity or broader societal impact that works towards a more just future. To see the work submitted, go to We are accepting photo submissions at [email protected].
NEW! Timely Teaching Tips: Quality media is a vital part of teaching in all modalities. Need to brush up on creating and using media to augment your teaching? See Using Media from Learn@OregonState. Want to consult with experts on video or audio recording? Looking for media training? Check out the Media Hub, a resource for OSU faculty, students and staff.
Undergraduate Excellence: Celebrating Undergraduate Excellence (CUE) is happening from 9 a.m. to noon May 18 in the MU Ballroom. More than 200 projects will be showcased in poster format. Come by to talk with students to learn more about the work they are doing. Light refreshments will be available. Contact [email protected] for questions.
State Broadband Planning Discussion with the Public: Broadband is a foundational service that can open doors for health, economic opportunity, education, social engagement and more. The Oregon Broadband Office wants to hear about your access and experience with broadband as they write the state’s first broadband plan which will be the foundation for $350-$500+ million of federal funding to flow into the state. Inform the plan so money goes where it’s needed. 1-2 p.m., May 18. Register:
HMSC Research Seminar: Marcus Chaknova, a graduate student with the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Oregon, will be giving a seminar titled “Under the surface; a multidisciplinary approach to submarine volcanic deposits from Hunga volcano, Kingdom of Tonga,” 3:30 p.m., May 18. In person at HMSC’s GVMSB Auditorium or online. Zoom link or call +1-971-247-1195 Meeting ID: 945 5573 115. Click here for more information.
Department of Botany & Plant Pathology Spring Seminar Series: “The Ptr1 immune receptor confers resistance to multiple bacterial pathogens of solanaceous plants” presented by Greg Martin of Cornell University Boyce Thompson Institute, 4 p.m., May 18, via Zoom only. For complete schedule visit the BPP Seminar website.
Corvallis Public Seed Library Pop-Up Vegetable Garden Plant Clinic: Benton County Master Gardeners will hold a pop-up plant clinic event at the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library's Public Seed Library 4-7 p.m., May 18. Master Gardeners can help you plan your warm season garden, select warm season crop seeds right for you and answer your questions about transplanting purchased seedlings and growing your vegetable garden. The Public Seed Library is located in the historic Belluschi wing of the library, with windows facing Monroe Street.
"The Seeds of Peace": A special preview of a Hiroshima peace tree documentary: Corvallis documentarian David-Paul Hedberg will be sharing his work-in-progress film, “The Seeds of Peace,” which focuses on the many peace trees that survived the Hiroshima bombing. 5-6 p.m., May 18, APCC.
Ideas Matter Lecture Series: "Colonization of Mars." Professor Jose-Antonio Orosco in a conversation with Astronomer Randy Millstein. 5-7 p.m., May 18 at The Bière Library, 151 NW Monroe Ave., Suite 102, Corvallis. Free, open to all. Presented by the School of History, Philosophy and Religion.
Gilfillan lecture: Heidi Schellman, professor in the Department of Physics, will give the 2023 Gilfillan lecture, titled, “Dealing with big data: What to do when your neutrino detector is the size of a building.” 5:30-7 p.m., May 18 in The LaSells Stewart Center.
Joseph Alexander, "A Dozen Camps": This year, we are fortunate to have Joe Alexander as our survivor-speaker. Alexander spent his youth in the town of Koval, Poland, in a family that included his parents, three sisters, and two brothers. Of this family, only he would survive the Holocaust. 7 p.m. May 18. Presented virtually, with a viewing and moderated question session in LiNC 128. Free, open to all. Registration required.
OSU Wind Symphony presents “Nebula”: Featuring works by Luis Serrano Alarcón, Bernhard Heiden and Olin Hannum with Carter Martin, alto saxophone soloist. 7:30 p.m., May 18, The LaSells Stewart Center. $10 for adults. Free for all students. Purchase tickets in advance at
University Theatre: The Light Keepers: A new play by Oregon-based playwright, Lindsay Partain. Runs at 7:30 p.m., May 18-19 and at 2 p.m., May 21 at the Whiteside Theatre, 361 S.W. Madison Ave., Corvallis. Information and link to purchase tickets.
NEW! Soundbox 6: Biosphere Remix, a festival of makers in music, technology, poetry, art, engineering, science and more, takes place May 22-26. It's free to attend, and open to all. Learn more at
NEW! Pasifika Fest: Navigating Oceania: The Pacific Islander Association hosts their first annual Pasifika Fest, celebrating the cultures, food and achievements of the Pacific Islands. 5-8 p.m., May 23, SEC Plaza.
NEW! The OSU Jazz Ensemble Spring Concert: Directed by Ryan Biesack. Featuring works by Thad Jones, Jim McNeely, Wayne Shorter and more. 7:30 p.m., May 31 in Austin Auditorium at The LaSells Stewart Center. Free to OSU students. $10 general admission in advance at, or at the door (cash and check only, please.)
Salmon bake: Join the Kaku-Ixt Mana Ina Haws for their annual Salmon Bake to celebrate the salmon culture of the Pacific Northwest. Noon to 3 p.m., May 19, Kaku-Ixt Mana Ina Haws.
Music à la Carte: OSU Trombone Choir and Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble. Students in the low brass studios perform a Spring Term recital. Noon, May 19 in the Memorial Union Lounge. Free, open to all.
Fisheries open house: Join the department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences for an open house from 1-3:30 p.m., May 19 in Nash Hall. Choose your own adventure while you explore the department. Tour labs and facilities, meet faculty, test your systematics knowledge with a mini mock practicum, and hear about current research. There will be an ice cream social with student tabling and research posters from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the front lawn.
The 44th Annual Klatowa Ina Pow-Wow: Join us on Saturday, May 20, at Gill Coliseum, for a free community event celebrating Indigenous culture and heritage, presented by the Native American Student Association and Kaku-Ixt Mana Ina Haws in collaboration with the Division of Student Affairs and university partners. Doors open at noon. Grand entry is at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. Enjoy Indigenous performers' vibrant and colorful display of traditional dance, music and singing, plus a bustling marketplace offering authentic Native American crafts.
OSU Day of Service – May 20: Join Beavers across the state and elsewhere volunteering in their communities with the OSU Day of Service. We have project here on campus as well as in Corvallis, Portland, Salem and in California and beyond. Sign up today:
APASU Culture Shock: The Asian Pacific American Student Union hosts their annual Culture Shock showcasing the talents and representations of the API community through performances, skits, fashion shows and an art gallery put on by community members. 6-8:30 p.m., May 21, MU Ballroom.
“Confluences”: Art-Sci Fellowship Exhibition featuring work by Fellows: Olivia Quisser, Svea Bruslind, Grace Holmes, Liana Kruger-Moore, Cassidy Smith, Vaishnavi Padaki, Fang-Yu Shen, Val Chang, Aliya Jamil, Anita Spaeth and Dana Reason. Mentor/sponsors are Carly Lettero, Joy Jensen and Jerri Lee Bartholomew. Runs May 22 through June 9 at the Little Gallery, 210 Kidder Hall. An opening reception will be held from 3:30-5:30 p.m., May 23, Free, open to all.
NEW! Undergraduate Humanities Conference: Experience the exciting fruits of undergraduate original research in the humanities, including history, literature, art history and anthropology. Panels begin at 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. Sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts, organized by SHPR and SWLF. Conference takes place 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m., May 19, in the MU Journey Room. Open to all.
NEW! VP for URM finalists: Finalist candidates for Vice President for University Relations and Marketing (VP for URM) will be on the Corvallis campus May 19, 22, 24, and 26. Visit the VP for URM search webpage for more details and candidate information. Candidate information will be provided one day prior to the candidate’s visit. OSU community members are invited to participate in University Forums with candidates at the following times: 10-10:45 a.m., May 19, MU Horizon Room and Zoom; 10-10:45 a.m., May 22, MU Horizon Room and via Zoom; 10-10:45 a.m., May 24, MU Journey Room (104) and via Zoom; 10-10:45 a.m., May 26, MU Horizon Room and via Zoom.
NEW! Curious about ChatGPT? Join CTL and UIT-Academic Technologies in conversations around ChatGPT and generative AI. Bring your questions and ideas as we explore together. Noon to 12:45 p.m., May 22 on Zoom (OSU login required). Questions? Contact CTL.
NEW! Lessons for Living with AI: Science fiction often imagines worlds in which artificial intelligence can free our human potential, as well as be the cause of dystopian nightmare. At 6:30 p.m., May 22 in MU 206, the Anarres Project will host a discussion to explore how major science fiction franchises, such as Star War and Star Trek, portray AI’s influence on politics, work and education. Sci-fi cosplay is encouraged and snacks will be available.
Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium 2023 Spring Student Symposium: Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium is hosting a student symposium beginning at 9 a.m., May 19 in The LaSells Stewart Center. The public is invited to attend, view the student posters and watch the student presentations. The keynote speaker is Daniel Raible, electronics engineer within the optics and photonics branch of NASA’s John H. Glenn Research Center. His presentation is titled “Communicating With Light: A New Dawn in the Information Age.” To attend the symposium virtually:
Electric Industry Past, Present, and Future: William (Mike) Warwick ‘71 will provide an industry overview on electric utilities and how recent responses have shaped them, as well as posing provocative questions about their future. Free, with coffee and snacks provided. Noon, May 19 in the Valley Library in the West Willamette Seminar Room (third floor, 3622). More information.
Center for Teaching and Learning SPARKSHOP: “Interactive lecturing: Small steps for using Universal Design for Learning principles (UDL) to promote student learning." There is more to lecturing than lecturing. Interactive lecturing provides a framework for applying the three principles of UDL namely multiple means of engagement, multiple means of representation and multiple means of expression and action. Presenter: Funmi Amobi, CTL instructional consultant and college liaison. Noon to 12:20 p.m., May 19. Registration required.
FYI Friday – International Agreements: Oregon State University engages in education and research collaborations with institutions and colleagues around the world. The Office of Faculty Affairs provides support with establishing new agreements and helps track global activity across the university. This presentation will review updated processes related to signing international agreements, with an aim to improve consistency across campus. There will be ample time for Q&A. (Please note: this presentation will not focus in detail on Education Abroad agreements, which are managed by OSU GO.) 12:15-1 p.m., May 19 via Zoom. Registration required.
Health and music: The College of Public Health and Human Sciences research seminar, “Hate music and music therapy: A public health perspective on two very different uses of music,” will be presented by Ted Ficken, George Washington University, from 1-2 p.m., May 19, in HFC 115 or via Zoom. Learn more, see all spring seminars and watch past seminars on the college’s website.
“The Impact of Stressful Life Events at Work: The Case of Divorce." Bori (Borbala) Csillag, the Stirek Assistant Professor of Management in the College of Business, will be the featured faculty member in an upcoming College of Business Thought Leadership Series virtual event at noon May 23. Register here: Questions? Contact [email protected].
Introduction to Oregon Savings Growth Plan: Learn how this 457 deferred compensation plan can help increase your retirement income. The OSGP (also referred to as the 457 plan) is part of the Voluntary Retirement Savings Program at OSU. All employees (except student employees) are eligible to participate. This virtual workshop will examine the time value of money and your investment options with OSGP. Roth vs. pre-tax deductions will be discussed. 12:30 p.m., May 23 via Zoom. To register:
PFLA Zoom event: OSU Ecampus 101. Presented by Ecampus executive directors. Learn more about Ecampus online programs and the growing demand for distance learning. 10:30-11:30 a.m., May 24. For more information about the event and how to register click here.
UHR onboarding: University Human Resources invites you to two upcoming listening sessions this month regarding your experience with UHR’s onboarding process. We are hosting two different opportunities for you to provide feedback in an interactive setting on ways we can improve our process. Sessions are 2-3 p.m., May 19, in Memorial Union Room 206 and 1-2 p.m., May 26 via Zoom; register here. You can also fill out an anonymous survey about your experience here.
CoSCIES 2023 Education Research Showcase Extravaganza: Interested in learning about the science of teaching and learning? Join us from 1-5 p.m., May 23 in the MU Journey Room (104) to learn about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and Education Research in OSU’s College of Science. Watch to be inspired to attend. Learn more about the program here. Sign up to present a talk or poster at our call for proposals here. Register to attend the Extravaganza here.
State of Black Affairs Summit: Registration is closing soon for the second annual State of Black Affairs Summit. Registration officially closes May 18, but the event is likely to reach capacity before this date. Please register soon. The one-day summit centers the Black community in topics such as hiring negotiation, rural education, public health, public safety, allyship, activism and entrepreneurship. Hosted by the OSU President’s Commission on the Status of Black Faculty & Staff Affairs and the Portland Center. Email questions to [email protected]. In-person registration: $100 until May 18 (or sooner). Virtual registration: $75 until May 23. Details & registration:
FourSight Mindset Reveal: A new workshop presented by University Human Resources that dives deep into the way that we solve problems together. This engaging workshop helps people learn more about their own mindset, learn appreciation for how colleagues work, and together be able create a stronger team environment and reach more creative solutions. In the spirit of professional development, University Human Resources is excited to offer this new two-hour workshop to OSU employees on a monthly basis starting this spring. View upcoming workshops and enroll here. A $40 fee covers materials.
Resource hub for the Class of 2023: Let’s do our part to help graduating Beavers celebrate and get ready for what’s next. Share the Countdown 2 Commencement landing page with graduating seniors. It features graduation details and celebratory events, career-building and networking opportunities, inspiring alumni messages, prize drawings and more.
New Contemplative Practice Center: OSU's Contemplative Studies Initiative is opening a practice center for students, faculty/staff and the public in summer 2023. The center will be located in the historic Pepsi building at 648 SW Second St. in downtown Corvallis. Share your preferences for class times, practice modalities and even vote for your favorite name. Learn more about the center opening via the CSI newsletter:
Support student mental health: Thank you to Dam Proud Day donors who, on OSU's day of giving last month, made 55 gifts totaling nearly $33,000 to support the Student Mental Health Fund. To commemorate National Mental Health Month this May, you can join them by making a gift to support vital mental health programs for OSU students, including the new Anytime Anywhere app, which gives students access to counseling from anywhere, 24 hours per day.
Graduate student representation sought: The Recreational Sports Advisory Board is seeking two graduate student representatives to serve on the student advisory board for the 23/24 year. If you are interested, apply at If you would like more information, contact [email protected] with your questions.
Robotic Sound Research Study: The Oregon State University Department of Mechanical Engineering is conducting a research study to better understand how people interact with robots that sound different. The study lasts for about 45 minutes. The full study title is “Evaluating Sonification for Interactive Robots” and the principal investigator is Prof. Naomi Fitter. Please contact Nnamdi Nwagwu at [email protected] to sign up.
Call for Applications: Career Champions Program: Applications are now being accepted for the fall 2023 Career Champions cohort. The Career Champions program provides faculty and instructors with tangible ways to incorporate career connection into the classroom, while advancing diversity, equity and inclusion and examining the barriers to access for first-generation, high financial need, and/or students of color. More information can be found on the Center for Teaching and Learning website. Please direct questions to Director of Career Integration, Brenna Gomez. To apply, complete the application form by June 9.
Event planning support at the Alumni Center: Need help creating a smooth-flowing event layout? Want recommendations for trusted caterers and vendors? Book with the CH2M HILL Alumni Center and we will help you craft the perfect event and deploy the right technology for successful online and in-person events. View the Alumni Center’s unique services and amenities at
Beavs Volunteer: Community Engagement and Leadership is offering a number of group service volunteer projects at local organizations, including Heartland Humane, Habitat for Humanity, SAGE Garden, Room at the Inn and Corvallis Parks and Rec. Register at: Accommodations for disabilities may be made by contacting 541-737-3041 or [email protected].
NOSU Healthy Aging Club’s 4th Annual Photography Contest: This year’s theme is "Older Adults in Nature," and the contest is open to all OSU community members. Prizes include gift certificates to the Garland and Shonnard Nurseries and OSU swag. Submit your entry by May 24 using the following link: OSU Gerontology Conference attendees will vote on who wins the contest on June 2. For more information, go to
PERIOD at OSU Hygiene Product Drive: PERIOD at OSU, a student organization helping to end period poverty and stigma, will be holding a menstrual and hygiene product drive around Corvallis through May 28. Donation boxes will be located inside The Book Bin, The Public Library, and both Co-op locations (Grant and Third). Acceptable donations include packaged menstrual and hygiene products, such as pads, tampons, deodorant, shampoo, body wash, razors and toothpaste, which will be donated to the BNC, as well as Community Outreach, Inc. and Vina Moses Center in Corvallis.
New website connects researchers with student participants at OSU: Attention researchers. Are you looking for participants for your research studies? Our new website offers a simple and effective way to find and recruit students at OSU. Simply complete a study listing form with basic information, participation criteria and contact information, and your study will be posted on our website for students to browse after approval. Visit today to learn more and start recruiting.
Snack study: Do you like snacks? Volunteers wanted for almond snack study (Corvallis). Seeking volunteers age 35-60 with minor underlying health conditions, (ex. elevated blood sugar or blood pressure, 20+ pounds overweight) to participate in a research study. Cannot be a smoker, pregnant/breastfeeding or taking vitamin E supplements. The study is 13 weeks and volunteers will receive $500. Study title: "Almonds to improve gut health and decrease inflammation." PI: Laura Beaver. For more info and to see if you qualify: Contact: [email protected] 541-737-3594.
This email only lists new or recently updated job postings. For a full list of current job postings for OSU Today, go to: To apply for the below positions, visit unless otherwise specified.
NEW! Administrative Program Assistant: Oregon State University Extension Service 4-H Youth Development program invites applications for an Administrative Program Assistant for based at the OSU Extension Clackamas County office in Oregon City. This is a 12-month, F/T, classified position starting at $17.43 hourly + benefits. This position works with the Clackamas County 4-H team to assist with the coordination of 4-H educational programs and events. Posting #P04207CT. Closes June 16.
“I am what I talk about in my music. I am Pinay, I’m powerful, I’m fearless, I’m unfiltered. And I like to hope that there’s young women out there who feel the same way. Or even if they don’t feel the same way, I hope to inspire young women out there to want to use their voice, to claim who they are and to embrace their identity.” ~ Ruby Ibarra
Corvallis: Mostly sunny, high of 76, low of 53. Mostly sunny tomorrow.
Central Oregon: Mostly sunny today, high of 82, low of 56. Sunny tomorrow.
Newport: Mostly cloudy today, high of 63, low of 50. Partly sunny tomorrow.
Statewide: For OSU employees around the state, find your local forecast here: