Today in the News Media is a synopsis of some of the most prominent coverage of OSU people and programs. Inclusion of any item constitutes neither an endorsement nor a critique, but rather is intended only to make the OSU community aware of significant items in the media. For more about this section, see:
“Human-wildlife cooperation in general is a rare phenomenon at a global scale,” said Mauricio Cantor, a biologist at Oregon State University and an author of the paper. “Usually humans gain the benefit, and nature pays the cost. But this interaction has been happening for over 150 years.” (see also Associated Press, Popular Science, ScienMag)
Now, biologists from Oregon State University have shown that songbirds can tell when the risk of predation by a common predator is highest, depending on season and geography. In response, they increase the frequency of mobbing behavior. When this risk is minimal, they are more likely to avoid or ignore the predator, in this case, the Northern Pygmy-Owl. The results are published in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
The Dry Farming Collaborative at Oregon State University will convene on Feb. 8 to discuss dry farming techniques and the results from trials using the method. Dry farming is a technique that can utilize moisture stored in soil during a rainy season to produce crops during a dry season. We learn more about how dry farming is used in Western Oregon from Amy Garrett, the board president of the Dry Farming Institute, and Lucas Nebert, a research associate at OSU.
“If you start from that point, you’ve got a much better chance of having a low-input orchard,” said Steve Renquist, retired Oregon State University Extension Service horticulturist. “You don’t have to be constantly spraying for something.”
Lighting up the dark: Business major Adam Gross submitted this peaceful picture of the Corvallis campus. We are accepting photo submissions at [email protected].
Timely Teaching Tips: Looking for ways to enhance your use of Canvas grading tools? Join UIT-Academic Technologies on Wednesday, Feb. 1 at 11 a.m., via Zoom to learn how graded activities such as assignments and quizzes in Canvas are connected to the Grades page, and make sure your Canvas course site and grading scheme align with your course syllabus. Register.
Tuition Forums: The University Budget Committee and Office of Budget and Resource Planning are offering a series of weekly forums to discuss the tuition setting process, tuition rate scenarios for FY24 and to answer any questions about tuition and the university budget. The next forum will be held Jan. 31 from 11 a.m. to noon in the Memorial Union Room 215 or you can register for Zoom. More information and the current forum schedule are available at
From Classroom to Community: Learning Beyond Borders in Taiwan| Faculty-led Program Info Session. Join OSU faculty leaders Tammy Bray and Kristen Yang from the College of Public Health and Human Sciences for a 12- to 15-credit, eight-week program in Taiwan from Sept. 23 to Nov. 18. Info session Jan. 31 at noon. For details, visit the Office of Global Opportunities (OSU GO) events calendar and the program brochure and application.
Trivia Night with CAPE: The Center for Advocacy, Prevention & Education team has collaborated with campus partners and students to plan the first Stalking Prevention and Awareness Month at OSU. Stalking is a form of gender-based violence that up to two out of every five students report experiencing at some point in college in the United States. On Jan. 31 there will be a night of trivia, food, prizes and fun in the Memorial Union Ballroom. Trivia rounds take place at 4 and 5 p.m. Sign up here to create or join a team. Visit Instagram for more info @CAPE_OSU.
OSUsed Store Public Sales: The OSUsed Store carries furniture, computers, household items, office supplies and more at 644 SW 13th St. Public sales are open to all shoppers this Tuesday, 5:30-7:30 p.m. and Friday, noon to 3 p.m.; details here. Staff may shop for their department Mondays through Thursdays, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; details here.
Art & Design in South Korea: A Cross-Cultural Study of Creative Thinking| Faculty-led Program Info Session: Join OSU faculty leaders Jun Bun Shin from the College of Liberal Arts for a four-credit, two-week program in Seoul from June 18 to July 2, 2023. Info session Jan. 31 at 6 p.m. For details, visit the Office of Global Opportunities (OSU GO) events calendar and the Program Brochure and Application.
Game Nights: Stop by the Women and Gender Center for our bi-weekly Game Nights on Tuesdays from 6-8:30 p.m. Our first one of the term will start Week 4 on Tuesday, Jan. 31 from 6-8:30 p.m. Video games, board games, and card games will be available to play.
NEW! OSU Album Club: The Dark Side of the Moon, Pink Floyd's eighth studio album, was developed primarily during live performances and originally conceived as a concept album. The story and the album are unique, complex and sometimes heavy. The OSU album club is like a book club, only we listen to and discuss some of the greatest albums of all time. Hosted by Bob Santelli. Free, open to campus and community. Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. in MU 13, and livestreamed via Zoom. Register for Zoom link at
NEW! Students: Non-Profit & Public Service Fair. Join Community Engagement & Leadership and the Career Development Center for the Non-Profit and Public Service Fair on Wednesday, March 1, anytime from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. in the MU Ballroom. No dress code. Link to register and view agencies: Questions? Contact [email protected].
Library exhibit: Visit The Valley Library’s fifth floor to celebrate “50 Years of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Oregon State University.” The poster and book display, features archival documents, student and faculty voices, course posters, books, journals and zines, outlining the history of WGSS/QS in honor of the department’s 50th anniversary. The exhibit will be on display through March 2023.
AYA WoC Discussion Group: The AYA Women of Color (WoC) Initiative housed at the Women and Gender Center will be hosting a bi-weekly discussion group. We will meet Week 4 on Wednesday, Feb. 1, noon to 1 p.m. This group is co-facilitated with Shaznin Daruwalla and Chanale Propst from CAPS, and is a great way to be in community with fellow women of color to talk about life, classes, and anything else. Drinks and snacks provided.
NEW! Critical Questions Lecture Series: Anushka Peres, "Touched Landscapes and Scale Intimacies." Peres will share and analyze two of her photographic series — "Pynk," made with a macro-lens iPhone attachment, and "Body/Landscapes," created with a Scanning Electron Microscope — to theorize scale intimacies as a queer rhetorical sightline that sees small moments of connection across species and ecological systems. Feb. 1 at 4 p.m. in MU 208.
NEW! HMSC Research Seminar: Damian Brady, Agatha B. Darling associate professor of oceanography at the University of Maine, will be giving a seminar titled “Emerging Aquaculture Trends in the Gulf of Maine,” Feb 2, 3:30 p.m. In person at HMSC’s GVMSB Auditorium or online. Zoom link. Password: 972587 or call +1-971-247-1195 Meeting ID: 945 5573 115. Click here for more information.
NEW! BEE Seminar Series: Derek Godwin will present "Recent Extension Watershed Management Efforts with Large-Scale Growers in the Willamette Basin," Feb. 2, 4 p.m. in Bexell Hall 416 or on Zoom. There will also be two “lightning talks” during this session as well. Register here for Zoom details.
NEW! Department of Botany & Plant Pathology fall seminar series: “Mechanisms of leaf cell fate: Cells destined for greatness,” presented by Sam Leiboff of OSU Department of Botany & Plant Pathology, Thursday, Feb. 2, 4 p.m., ALS 4001 and via Zoom. For complete schedule visit the BPP Seminar website.
NEW! Study in France — Study Abroad info session: The Office of Global Opportunities invites you to an informational session on the study abroad programs in Lyon and Poitiers, France, during the academic year and summer. Info session: Feb. 2, 4 p.m. For details, visit the Office of Global Opportunities (OSU GO) events calendar and the program brochure and application.
NEW! Art, Design and Culture in Italy — Faculty-led program info session: Join OSU faculty leader Daniele Di Lodovico from the College of Liberal Arts for a 3-credit, two-week program in Rome and Florence from Aug. 25-Sept. 9. Info session Feb. 2 at 5:30 p.m. For details, visit the Office of Global Opportunities (OSU GO) events calendar and the program brochure and application.
NEW! Ridge to Reef: Sustainable Resource Management in Palau| Faculty-led program info session. Join OSU faculty leader Brain Endress from the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife in the College of Agricultural Sciences for a 4-credit, two-week program in Palau from June 19-July 2. Info session Feb. 2, 6 p.m. For details, visit the Office of Global Opportunities (OSU GO) events calendar and the program brochure and application.
NEW! Street conversation: The Corvallis Area Metropolitan Planning Organization is hosting a webinar conversation with road diet designer Dan Burden who will be sharing his ideas for improving walkability, bike access and road safety in Corvallis. Great Corvallis Streets will be held on Thursday, Feb. 2 from 7-8:30 p.m. All interested parties are invited to attend. Register at:
NEW! Center for Teaching and Learning QT Talks: "Effective Course Design: Intentional Blending of Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning." Regardless of course modality, all Corvallis and Cascades campus courses involve learning in person during synchronous class meetings and asynchronously outside of class. How can we best leverage both types of learning activities to ensure all students have an equitable opportunity to be successful? In this interactive session, learn ways to do this through intentional design. Feb. 7, 11-11:50 a.m. Registration.
WRE Seminar Series: Kristin Jaeger from the USGS will present "Improving Mapping of Perennial and Non-Perennial Streams Based on Simple Flow/No Flow Observations," Feb. 1, 4 p.m. in Bexell Hall 328 or on Zoom. Reach out to [email protected] for Zoom details.
Library Dialogues: Join the Valley Library for Library Dialogues on Feb. 1, 4-6 p.m., on the second-floor West Classroom. Register at: Library Dialogues (formerly LSRB) is a chance for students, faculty and staff from the OSU community to give feedback about library services, equipment, facilities and more.
Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology Seminar Series: Stephen Sillett, Humboldt State University, Department of Forestry & Wildland Resources, will speak on “Climatic sensitivities and non-timber values of tall trees,” Feb. 1, 4 p .m. Johnson Hall 102. Zoom:
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Keynote Address: Register for the keynote address to be held on Feb. 1 at 7 p.m. at the LaSells Stewart Center and via livestream. The keynote speaker is Jelani Cobb, staff writer at The New Yorker, writing on race, history, justice, politics and democracy, as well as Columbia University's Ira A. Lipman Professor of Journalism and the next dean of Columbia Journalism School. This event is free, but registration is required. For info, contact [email protected] or 541-737-1063.
Changemakers: A Feminist Lens in Sports Journalism. Changemakers — a webcast series by the College of Liberal Arts and the OSU Alumni Association — welcomes Lindsay Schnell, ’09, sports enterprise reporter at USA TODAY. For over a decade, Schnell has covered sports at every level and profiled some of the industry’s biggest names. Now she’s sitting down with CLA Professor Susan Shaw to discuss her career and bringing a feminist lens to athletic journalism. Feb. 2, 5:30 p.m. Registration is now open at
College of Education’s PechaKucha 2023: PechaKucha is an online platform which allows our researchers to connect with students and colleagues visually, concisely and memorably. Each researcher will share 20 slides, each being shown for 20 seconds for a total presentation time of six minutes, 40 seconds. Thursday, Feb. 2, 6-7:30 p.m.
NEW! College of Education Bake Sale: Satisfy your sweet tooth while helping OSU’s annual food drive by making a delicious purchase or two at the College of Education, first floor lobby. Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 1-2, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
NEW! 25 Year club: Congratulations to Susan Wright, print services technician, for being inducted into the 25 Year club at OSU. You can read more about their time at OSU and others inducted into the club by clicking on their name.
Veteran student work honored: Peer Advisors for Veteran Education is highlighting Oregon State University as its featured campus for January because of the work they've done connecting their student veterans both to resources and each other. Their PAVE team started off the semester with a host of Veteran Resource Center events for both new and returning student veterans. Team leader Chris Johnson and William Elfering, Military and VRC director, work with their six peer advisors to serve their school’s veteran and military-affiliated community of more than 2,000 people, 1,600 of whom are student veterans.
Stop, Collaborate and Listen Podcast: Produced by the STEM Research Center and the Institute for Learning Innovation to share lessons learned from the Broader Impacts Design project, this short podcast series aims to support our university and science center colleagues in their endeavors to achieve broader impacts through partnerships around public engagement with science. Listen here or wherever you get your podcasts.
Funding available for students to attend sustainability conference: The Sustainability Office, ASOSU Sustainability Council, and Community Engagement & Leadership are offering students an opportunity to attend the Washington Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference (WOHESC) March 6-8, 2023, at the Corvallis Campus. Up to 90 students will be funded and all OSU students are eligible. Funding will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis to students who fully complete this registration form by Feb. 17.
Faculty Learning Community for Instructors and TAs: Instructors and TAs from all programs are invited to join the spring session of the Community for the Advancement of Antiracist Instruction (CAAI), a professional development opportunity co-sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning and Faculty Affairs. Participants explore antiracist teaching theories and practices in a community of colleagues and create an antiracist teaching action plan. Four Friday afternoon sessions. Refreshments provided. Apply here. (by March 24).
Corvallis students sought to serve with ASOSU: Election season for ASOSU elected positions has now begun. Service in elected positions begin on June 1. Positions open are president, vice president, graduate senator (three open positions), undergraduate senator (15 open positions), student fee committee chair and student fee committee at-large member (five open positions). Registration is open through Feb. 15. Fill out this form or go to the website. Candidate informational sessions will be held at 5 p.m. every Wednesday and Friday in SEC 294.
Volunteer opportunities: Join us once or weekly for a volunteer service project at Heartland Humane Shelter & Care, Room at the Inn, Parks & Recreation, Starker Arts Garden for Education(SAGE) and Habitat for Humanity. Volunteers will be maintaining space for animals and a chance to play with them, providing emergency meals and housing, enhancing parks and trails and helping grow food for low income families. The OSU Community are the intended audience for this event. Register at
OSU Food Drive starts Feb.1: Are you ready for a fun fundraising competition? Check out the web page to see if your unit is represented. If not, consider stepping up to help in the effort. It can be as easy as sending a few emails. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Student Health Services Quality Survey: Let Us Know How We're Doing. At SHS, we strive to provide our patients with the best possible care and service. To continue improving, we need your help. We value your input and would love to hear your ideas and feedback. The Qualtrics survey takes less than five minutes.
NEW! Spanish so White: Adam Schwartz, associate professor of language, culture and society, recently published "Spanish So White: Conversations on the Inconvenient Racism of a 'Foreign' Language Education” (Multilingual Matters Press). The book is written specifically for second-language learners of Spanish and secondary and post-secondary teachers who identify as white. It supports the development of language education that centers a racially dynamic Spanish-speaking world and challenges interpersonal and institutional forms of racism.
“If January is the month of change, February is the month of lasting change. January is for dreamers… February is for doers." ~ Marc Parent
Corvallis: Mostly cloudy today, high of 42, low of 28. Partly sunny tomorrow.
Central Oregon: Mostly cloudy today, high of 43, low of 30. Partly sunny tomorrow.
Newport: Increasing clouds today, high of 48, low of 33. Partly sunny tomorrow.
Statewide: For OSU employees around the state, find your local forecast here: