William Ripple, a distinguished professor in the College of Forestry at Oregon State University who has drawn worldwide attention for his research on wolves and other predators, and for publishing a scientists’ warning to humanity, will speak at the Corvallis Science Pub on Monday, Nov. 12.

Ripple’s presentation, “From wolves to the Warning to Humanity: Facing the Environmental Crisis through Science,” will be hosted by Worthy Brewing and the Worthy Garden Club. It begins at 7 p.m. at the Whiteside Theatre, located at 361 SW Madison Ave, Corvallis. Doors open at 6 p.m.

Ripple received global attention last year for publishing a second scientists’ warning to humanity paper about the need to protect the environment, which has been signed and endorsed by more than 20,000 scientists from 184 countries, including many from Oregon State. The Oregon State University Faculty Senate and Associated Students of Oregon State University passed a joint resolution in May 2018 endorsing the article. Oregon State Faculty Senate President Jon Louis Dorbolo drafted and sponsored a resolution to endorse the article’s findings and “urge University leadership and all parts of the OSU community to advance dialogue, policies, and practices in accordance with the recommendations of that document.” The Faculty Senate passed the resolution on May 18.

Associated Students of Oregon State University Vice President Josh Kaufman and Speaker of the House Peter Halajian collaborated on editing the resolution and proposing it to their respective chambers. The ASOSU Senate passed the resolution on May 7. The ASOSU House passed the resolution on May 8. 

In his Science Pub presentation, Ripple will discuss how his conservation research and concern about the global environment and climate change led to him publish the paper. He will share his journey from ecological research to science advocacy, providing suggestions for how the planet might avert an impending environmental crisis. 

Ripple will also be featured in a documentary, under development at OSU. The feature film project that explores the impact of the paper and the new scientific movement recently launched a crowdfunding campaign. More information about the effort is available at secondwarning.org.

Science Pub is free and open to the public, but due to its continuing popularity, advance registration is necessary and tickets will be required. Registration is available online or by calling University Events at 541-737-4717. Free street parking is available as well as at the city hall lot, two blocks from the theater. Vendors will serve veggie pizza by the slice and Worthy Brewing’s Strata IPA, featuring hops developed at OSU.

Sponsors of this Science Pub include the Corvallis Sustainability CoalitionTerra magazine at OSU, the Downtown Corvallis Association and the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry.