Employee Profile

Where in the world is associate professor Soria Colomer? Honduras

By Molly Rosbach on Nov. 25, 2024

Students learn about parts of a plant in English in one of the classes Colomer observed in Honduras.

Soria Colomer is an associate professor of bilingual education in Oregon State University’s College of Education. She is also the inaugural Patricia Valian Reser Faculty Scholar of Education for a three-year term, and traveled twice in the past year to work with bilingual teachers in Honduras. 

Where were you working? 
Copán Ruinas in Honduras. It’s named for the nearby Copán ruins, a major Mayan archaeological site. 

Where in the world is department head Patricia Stock? Chile & Argentina

By Molly Rosbach on Nov. 19, 2024

Patricia Stock with her INIA colleague Patricia Navarro in Puerto Varas, Chile. 

Patricia Stock is the new head of the Department of Horticulture in Oregon State University’s College of Agricultural Sciences. She recently traveled to Chile and Argentina to work on building new collaborations with research institutions and universities there.

Where were you working?

Temuco, Valdivia and Puerto Varas in Chile, and La Plata and Buenos Aires in Argentina.

What language is spoken there?


Where in the world is department head Dee Denver? Nepal

By Molly Rosbach on Nov. 12, 2024

Dee Denver is a professor and head of the Department of Integrative Biology in the College of Science, where his lab investigates biodiversity and genetics through integrated scientific and philosophical approaches. He led a study abroad program in Nepal in September.

Where were you working?

I was in Nepal in September. We spent time in Kathmandu, in Chitwan National Park in the lowlands, and also the Gaurishankar Conservation Area in the Himalayas.

What languages are spoken there?

Where in the world is researcher Mauricio Cantor? India

By Molly Rosbach on Nov. 5, 2024

Mauricio Cantor, center, with a large group of students and researchers at the University of Kerala. 

Mauricio Cantor is an assistant professor in the Marine Mammal Institute at Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport. He is a behavioral ecologist who studies mutually beneficial interactions between human fishers and dolphins in southern Brazil and is now expanding that research to India.

Where in the world is professor Nabil Boudraa? Algeria

By Molly Rosbach on Oct. 29, 2024

Nabil Boudraa is a native of Algeria in Northern Africa, part of the Indigenous Berber population, and a professor of French and francophone studies in the OSU School of Language, Culture, and Society in the College of Liberal Arts. He recently completed a research trip home.

Where were you working? 
The Kabylia region of Algeria, where the biggest city is Béjaïa on the Mediterranean Sea, but my work also took me to small villages and towns.