Researchers record first-ever images and data of a shark experiencing a boat strike

Researchers have captured what they believe is the first ever video of a shark or any large marine animal being struck by a boat.

Cable installation set to begin for OSU-led wave energy testing facility off Oregon coast

Crews later this month will begin installing the power and data cables that are essential to completing construction of a new wave energy testing facility off the Oregon Coast.

Pacific cod can’t rely on coastal safe havens for protection during marine heat waves, OSU study finds

During recent periods of unusually warm water in the Gulf of Alaska, young Pacific cod in near shore safe havens where they typically spend their adolescence did not experience the protective effects those areas typically provide, a new Oregon State University study found.

Pacific coast gray whales have gotten 13% shorter in the past 20-30 years, Oregon State study finds

Gray whales that spend their summers feeding in the shallow waters off the Pacific Northwest coast have undergone a significant decline in body length since around the year 2000, a new Oregon State University study found.

A rise in sea urchins and related damage to kelp forests impacts Oregon’s gray whales and their food

A recent boom in the purple sea urchin population off the southern Oregon Coast appears to have had an indirect and negative impact on the gray whales that usually forage in the region, a new study shows.

Researchers identify fastest rate of natural carbon dioxide rise over the last 50,000 years

Today’s rate of atmospheric carbon dioxide increase is 10 times faster than at any other point in the past 50,000 years, researchers have found through a detailed chemical analysis of ancient Antarctic ice.

Reproductive success improves after a single generation in the wild for descendants of some hatchery-origin Chinook salmon

Researchers who created “family trees” for nearly 10,000 fish found that first-generation, wild-born descendants of hatchery-origin Chinook salmon in an Oregon river show improved fitness.

Hypoxia is widespread and increasing in the ocean off the Pacific Northwest coast

Low oxygen conditions that pose a significant threat to marine life are widespread and increasing in coastal Pacific Northwest ocean waters as the climate warms, a new study shows.

Marine heat waves disrupt the ocean food web in the northeast Pacific Ocean

Marine heat waves in the northeast Pacific Ocean create ongoing and complex disruptions of the ocean food web that may benefit some species but threaten the future of many others, a new study has shown.

Oregon State leads effort to expand ocean oxygen monitoring sensor use in fishing industry

Oregon State University researchers are leading an effort to refine the design and expand use of oxygen monitoring sensors that can be deployed in fishing pots to relay critical information on changing ocean conditions to the fishing industry.
