About the OSU College of Agricultural Sciences: Through its world-class research on agriculture and food systems, natural resource management, rural economic development and human health, the College provides solutions to Oregon’s most pressing challenges and contributes to a sustainable environment and a prosperous future for Oregonians.

Researchers observe wolves hunting and killing sea otters and harbor seals on Alaska’s Katmai coast

Firsthand observations of a wolf hunting and killing a harbor seal and a group of wolves hunting and consuming a sea otter on Alaska’s Katmai coast have led scientists to reconsider assumptions about wolf hunting behavior.

Art About Agriculture celebrates 40th anniversary with show in Portland

Art About Agriculture’s annual exhibition of agriculture and natural resource-themed artwork by Oregon State University’s College of Agricultural Sciences is celebrating its 40th anniversary with a touring show that will be on display from Nov. 17 to Dec. 31 in Portland.

Billions in conservation spending fail to improve wild fish stocks in Columbia Basin

CORVALLIS, Ore. – Four decades of conservation spending totaling more than $9 billion in inflation-adjusted tax dollars has failed to improve stocks of wild salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River Basin, according to Oregon State University research.

Scientists develop tool to predict dam removal costs by analyzing 55 years of past removals

Scientists analyzed more than 650 dam removal projects over 55 years in the United States totaling $1.52 billion inflation-adjusted dollars to develop a tool to better estimate the cost of future dam removals.

The ocean’s color is changing as a consequence of climate change, study finds

The ocean’s color has changed significantly over the last 20 years, and the global trend is likely a consequence of human-induced climate change, scientists, including one from Oregon State University, report in a new study.

Poop and prey help researchers estimate that gray whales off Oregon Coast consume millions of microparticles per day

Oregon State University researchers estimate that gray whales feeding off the Oregon Coast consume up to 21 million microparticles per day, a finding informed in part by poop from the whales.

Oregon State to co-lead $30 million USDA regional food business center

Oregon State University has been selected to co-lead a $30 million U.S. Department of Agriculture regional food business center that will support farmers, ranchers and other food-related businesses to access new markets and navigate federal, state and local resources. 

Scientists begin to unravel global role of atmospheric dust in nourishing oceans

New research led by an Oregon State University scientist begins to unravel the role dust plays in nourishing global ocean ecosystems while helping regulate atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.
